

The mysterious disappearance ( part - 03 )
Hey i am bell and my best friend was as you know missing but she suddenly returned .... well I am sure that you are as confused as i was about her sudden disappearance and reappersence.... so give me a chance to narrate the next part of my story .
so after the police left Clair freshened up and we had dinner in complete scilence as Clair didn't want us to talk .... after dinner she left straight to her room .....
i was worried so i headed towards her room and knocked the door ..... i stood there for ten minutes but she didn't open the door nor replied ..... i was worried but missis Anderson comforted me saying that Clair must be shocked and thus was acting out ......
but little did she know that at dinner was the last she would see of her daughter...... the next morning we gathered down for breakfast .....but Clair wasn't there and thus we knocked at her room door .... we knocked and knocked but got no reply..... after fifteen minutes of trying we dicided to knock out the door ..... little did we know what awaited on the other side ....
When we managed to break through the door .... we were shakend ..... misses Anderson
screemed and fainted while mister Anderson stood still sobbing withen himself ..... the ground beneath me shook and i felt a sharp pain in my heart ......
what we saw that caused us to take up such a situation of horror , shock and sobbes .....
to find out keep reading mysterious disappearance ...

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