

Mysterious Girl in class 8(Part 1)
alarm rings ....6:30
Ho God , why this alarm ringing early in the morning. What's the time now. See its just 7:30. wait why i set alarm every 15 mints right from 5:30
to 8 o clock. I never have meetings in morning and What's on my table now. Dress and shoes that too formal .something is fishy why i kept brush ,towel too . Do i have a meeting or what . Why god why my brain never works properly in the morning. Anyway i have to bath right.
( while brushing in her mind- it is like I'm in school again. I never waked up this early after completing my education)

Education....Ho no today is my first in school as a teacher. Ho my dummy how could you forgot this it's already 8 now and principal i mean grandpa said i should attend assembly. Now make it fast yaar or you will be doomed for sure..

Finally i am ready it 8:15 i have more 15 mints ,with songs on , i can make it on time, radio turn on and go...(desi run run run... 🎶) see i made it in 10 mints. Why I'm feeling nervous ,hoo come on you went to jail and met world's cruelest murder then why this. Maybe because i skipped breakfast . Hey don't make excuses i know this is because you studied in this school and you are the most spoiled kid at that time and still there are some teachers here who taught you. Whatever lets see how this generation kids are..

Wow almost everyone wearing uniform i never wear mine in those days .And what this kids are doing out there ... what you little brats how dare you to bully that little. What should i do now should i teach them a lesson or should i lecture them aaah which i never done before. Ho no what the situation now definitely i mess things if i go there and i can't stand this anymore. Whatever lets deal with it.
Hey kids ...... what's with them ? Just ran away because of my voice. Do i sounded that scary. Hey Little kid are you alright.

Little kid- I'm fine sis thanks to Hitler sir his footsteps sound make them run

Narrator- i heard nothing

Little kid- you are new right as you look top class student you can sense his breath too as he is your home teacher

Narrator- Do i look like a student to you

Little kid- what do you mean

Narrator- I'm new teacher here

Little kid - sorry if I'm rude but you look younger and your dress ......sorry ( she run away)

Now what happened to my dress and looked aside .God you are doing all these things purposely right. My dress looks like class 10 boys uniform 🤦🏻‍♀️Whatever lets go and meet that old man who tricked me to do this...grandpa I'm coming

N- Narrator and G- grandpa

N- may I come in sir

G- wow you dressed very pretty and you can call me grandpa

N- why now Mr.principal you never wanted me to call you appa or grandpa in school back then

G- you spoiled puppy

N- old man you know right I'm very spoiled, indulged myself ,narcissist, procrastinate and..

G- i know more you than you and I'm surprised you said all these things to you yourself

N- Appa you knew i never do things imperfectly or without my heart

G- i know that's why i choosed you for this job. Right now class 8 students needs you

N- you sound like something is going on...

G- you are watching dramas too often right

N- Anyway 30 days is not really a issue but remember after 30 days i will leave

G- Come i will introduce staff first then to class

N- Appa why staff ....wait wait

Grandpa leaved office first then N followed him and then bumped into a guy

Narrator- now what ? Is this a bad sign or what?

Wow! suit in school. Should i marry him ? He looks tall ,handsome and..wait what am i thinking..😳

Stranger- wearing suit in school is not necessary so no one wear it And for your kind information i have an international call so i want to look more formal so i just...

N- what he is saying ...is he psychic

Stranger- you are too lound kiddo so i can hear.you should learn how to talk in mind voice

Then principal walked in and joined the conservation...

G - WOW you two already met .this is for good

Stranger- GM sir

G- morning Mr....

( clerk interrupted their conversation and said there is someone waiting in principal office)

Stranger- sir, I think you are busy and i have conferences to attend so i meet you in your office after my work (said and left )

N - Appa , what is happening here (with a confused face she asked )

G - ramu (clerk) will show you the class and introduce yourself and start teaching. I will see you in the evening as i will be busy in afternoon
( principal said and left)

Ramu showed class 8 to Narrator then left

Narrator walked into the class . The children were playing, shouting, roaming and messing with each other. After Narrator walked inside they silenced for a moment and again started. Then the Narrator thought this is the reason why the principal said they need me.

Suddenly a girl grabbed my attention. She looks familiar and strange may be weird or cold whatever now i think i should worry about myself first how can i spend 30 days with this devils .i should leave right now.....no let me sit here and watch them. I would like to know how long they can ignore me.

While I'm going to sit in teacher's chair they shouted at me saying " students are not allowed to sit in that chair,don't you know that?? "

Narrator inner voice- I'm messed up with my first day in school as teacher

Children hear me out , I'm your new home teacher.

Children are shocked and sit quietly for sometime then started shouting and playing again. I don't know what to do,so I just sat quietly and watch them thinking about the next 30 days....

class completed and everyone left and finally I'm going to home.suddenly someone stood in front of me, I lifted my head and suit sir

Stranger- hey kid ,so you're in class 8.i thought you were top class student and you are in my class . Anyway good luck kiddo ( patted her head and left)

Narrator got confused then three girls of class 10 approached her and said " hey kidbyou are really lucky because Hitler sir will never talked friendly towards girl students but stay away from him.he is our class teacher " and left.and I'm like what the hell is happening in my life.then went to home.

See here, I came home after having a long and my grandpa is already here to give lecture for today's my behavior.

N- Good evening principal sir

G- I'm your grandpa and this is our home you can call me appa or old man is also fine

N- but you don't like to be called as old man right

G - you did a great job today so I'm just happy

N- what I did appa , no one in school treated me as a teacher even hilter sir patted my head and top 10 class girls warned me to stay away from him

G- seriously ( said while laughing)

N-appa what does mean by home teacher I never heard that before

G- home teacher teaches all Subjects to theor respective class except languages

N- the concept is yuck .how students can endure seeing one face whole day

G-only top 10 class will have home teacher so it is easy to communicate with parents about their progress and easy to conduct night study hours as they stay on hostel

N- then why class 8 having home teacher

G- because they are very naughty and only their English teacher can handle them .so she decided to take charge as their home teacher for 6 months. already 3 months completed .their naughtiness not reduced but they are became interested in studies and started getting good grades. suddenly one day she called and said something is wrong with one girl in class and she wanted me to help to solve the problem but the next day

N- what happened to her and what the hell is wrong with that student and who is the????

G- next day she met with an accident and went into coma .how is that girl and what is the problem. I don't know but I don't think it is an accident and students are not ready to accept other teachers as their home teacher, so I choosed you because I wanted you to change them as discipline one and to solve the mystery

N - solving mystery is my cup of tea but changing them as good students..

G- only monsters can handle monsters right

N- yeah you are right...(after a mints silence she realized what grandpa mean) Appa she shouted

G- you are the most spoiled kid in our school history even when compared to class 8

N- ok grandpa I promise I will change every within 2 months but please don't say that I'm very spoiled kid to anyone in school

G- ok then good night dear I have to go

N-drive safe Appa

So this is my day one in school .if want to know how am I going to deal with these little monster read part 2 ( I will try my best to post it within a week)
Happy reading

© Mirai shinde