


That's my girlfriend name. We met through online, The way we started talking in online was so interesting and very curious to know about her. Gradually we started talking a lot and exchanged the numbers.

It's been so long that we were dating online and felt to meet directly. Maya loves long rides a lot, so i planned for a bike ride.
We both decided a place to meet the next day.

As we planned for a date, we met at a coffee shop early in the morning. We started our ride for so long, it's nearly 200km. We were talking a lot and sharing all the memories together.

Day comes to the end, and she is about to leave to her place. I dropped her and started to my place soon. Once i reached home, i literally started missing her. Immediately, I started texting her. I took my phone and started typing her. But, i got a message from her that she was very happy today, thanking me for the best date ever.

I blushed and started typing....
Ya, Even I had the best time with you, and already started missing your company.
And the days passing on with lots of love and good Vibes to us.
she even accepted my proposal soon,
And we started staying together. Days are just like passing clouds with her, every second, every minute.

As usual as every morning she started to her office. And I was busy with the Client calls.
It was a very hectic day of my work.
Soon, I got a call from a cop that she met with an accident.
I was in shock, And rushed to the hospital.
She was badly injured. My eyes couldn't see her on bed with a blood flow injuries. I was out of my control by seeing her unconscious.

As I promised to her on our proposal day, I take care of her every second of my breath. She was completely on bed every day every second being with her and loveing her so precious..

The day when I was about to open my eyes from sleep, The doctor told me that she is no more, We lost her.

i couldn't believe it, my eyes shuttered with tears. my life my hopes my future with her was gone just in few days.
Accepting the thing that she is no more with me was soo huge to my heart.

Days are passing, Years are passing i couldn't come out from her thoughts....

Accepting the truth is very dificult for me, got scared to be in another relationship. Forgetting her was a challenge to me. But still trying to move on.

"Love is a beautiful feel when you truly love someone", But coming out of the past is also very important. Accepting the truth, accepting the life and moving on for loved onces is also a great respect to the loved one.

© @ Divya~