

Night of the living dummy (Part 4)
Carter turn around and looked at the dresser to see the doll now standing up. She spoke again "I said hello daring." Carter said hi back but was confused his doll was talking. He thought it was a dream so he grabed a rubber band put it on his wrist and snaped it. The doll spoke again "Theres no need to hurt yourself this is not a dream.". Carter slowly walked over to the doll and asked how she was able to talk then she pointed at the card that had fallen out of her dress eariler. He picked up the card again and saw something new it said "To bring back the spirt the doll say this magical word.". Carter sat on his bed and started to ask some questions but the only question he wanted to know was why or how she got here. The doll sighed "I am here because you needed a friend. Think of me has your new sister. Oh and the type wrighters magical it brings the main charters you create to life.". When Carter heard her he was so happy after so long of being alone he finale had a friend. *Clank* Carter turned to the window and opened the curtins to see the bullies were still there Yuni asked who they were and when he answered she became so angery "No body hurts my brother." she said then disapered.