

Space Adventure
It is 2156 . In this year scientist of NASA discovered something horrifying. That is an astroid is coming forward to earth. If it collapse with earth then our earth will not live no long. That astroid is very large in size that is about a size of mount Everest.That size is enough to destroy our home planet. Scientist calculated that this Astroid will collapse with earth 2157 in 7th February. Scientist also calculated that there is no chance to escape from that mega Astroid. Then all the country's people get too much disappointed because of that bad news. Every where people trying something to escape from that Astroid but alas! there was no chance. Then NASA dicided to do something . Finally they find another planet like earth and that was about 405 light years from earth . scientist calculated that to reach that planet it will take 178 years and coming back will take another 178 years . That's mean NASA failed here to do that mission. But A great Astronaut came forward to say some work. He told about some theories . The theory was relativity. he told about the warmhole. which is the shortest way to travel one Galaxy to another Galaxy. But NASA rejected his proposal. But he didn't given up . He made a team of 5 astronaut. Then they planned to make a hyper spacecraft . In 2156 technology is so great . 3 of the astronaut is machanical engineer and 2 others are pilot and also a robitic engineer.They designed a great spacecraft. They settle up everything and finally after 2 months they make a great spacecraft in the history.Now it is the time to go to the Next home to inspect.They started their plan routines and understanding.And finally in March , 2156 they left the earth.Then they started apply some theories to save time. As they made a hyper spacecraft it has the ability to go near the speed of light and even it can make it size as a atom.Then started that spacecraft they really find a warmhole and then they went through that tunnel and they pass 178 years way in 2 days but on that earth it has passed 4 months .As those astronauts has less time so they some how doing everything so fast. And finally they landed on that next earth . The mission cammander named that planet is ETARK. There they experiment everything water , weather, temperature,basic needs and everything was clear over there . Then their next plan was to go back to earth and take the people in here before the Astroid hit the earth.They started again for earth and they reached on just before 1 month ago of that astroid to be hited by earth. Coming back they started to explain everything to the NASA then NASA agreed with them and asked them that what's next plan? Those astronauts told them about 5 hyper sapce ship to take the people on ETARK.Then from all over the world the engineer and scientist come to a meeting and started work to make 5 super dynamic space ship.There are millions of engineer,constructor, scientist working together for one destiny.Then just before 3 days of hit of that Astroid 5 spacecraft was ready to go .Then from all over the world may be1000million people joined to go on that planet Etark.Then just before hited by that Astroid the full sky seemed so black as it is night.Some great pilots and started those ship before the Astroid get in to the gravity of earth.And then finally 5 of the spacecraft successfully left the earth and all the people has seen to destroying the earth by the Astroid. Andjust like hyper spacecraft 5 of spacecraft reached at the Galaxy of that Etark. And successfully all the human generation seen the new light , new nature and new home to live a life .And thats how all the human had experienced a space Adventure with fear and wonder .so,"At last where all the hope lost from there new hope born."