

Non Disney Scream ( Scream 4)
Hiro and Penny were in the nurdlab by themselves, and they heard a knock on the door. * Hiro stands up* " Did u hear that?" Hiro asked, " Yeah." Penny said, * Hiro opens the door* " Hello is someone there?" Hiro asked, * Closed the door* " Penny? Where did u go?" Hiro asked, Hiro was walking around looking for Penny. But he was no idea where she went. " Penny this isn't funny, where are u?" Hiro asked, * Penny jumpscares him* " Penny!" Hiro said, " Gotcha!" Penny said, " That wasn't funny, I thought you got kidnped or killed!" Hiro said, " I'm sorry, I thought it would be funny." Penny said, * Hiro disappears* " Ah, I see how u are." Penny said, * Gose back on her computer* " He's been gone for a while." Penny said, * Hiro sneaks up behind her* " Where's Hiro?" Penny asked, * Hiro scares her * " AH!" Penny shouted, " Gotcha!" Hiro said, " That wasn't funny!" Penny said, " See, you just felt the same way how I felt." Hiro said, * Thy got back on hire computers* " I'm going to have headphones on, so tap me if u need me." Hiro said, * Puts headphones on* Hiro was looking through stuff while Penny was working on her school work. " Penny take at look." Hiro said, * Penny puts headphones on* " There was an other murder?" Penny asked, " Yeah, have any idea who got killed?" Hiro asked, " Violets house!" Penny said, * They ran over there* " Is Violet alright?" Penny asked, " Sadly she didn't make it." Officer Nolen said, * Hiro walks away while holding his head* " When did this happen?" Hiro asked, " 2 minutes ago." Officer Nolen said, " So, did u see the killer, or he or she ran off when he or she saw u?" Penny asked. " He or she ran off when he or she saw us." Officer Nolen said, " Sir, I found this." Officer Jamy said, * Hiro grabs the hat* " Tadashi..." Hiro said, " What do u mean?" Officer Nolen asked, " This is my brothers hat." Hiro said, " Hiro he's dead remember." Penny said, " Then how did this person found this? My house was locked." Hiro said, " Lets take a look at your house." Officer Nolen said, * At Hiro's house * " My house was lock when I went to the nurdlab, and I don't know how this person hot my brothers har." Hiro said, " The back door is busted." Penny said, * They looked* " This killer broke in and the glass went everywhere, and there's a little bit of blood on thses broken peaices. So who ever this killer was, he or she broke in and grab your brothers hat and used it to trick u or everyone else." Officer Nolen said, " Even though he's dead." Penny said, " Who ever this person is, we need to look around in the city and look for people who are sapisus." Hiro said, " You guys look in the nurdlab while me and my team will be looking at the city, then when u guys get out, meet me and my team at town square." Officer Nolen said, * The next day* " Do u see anyone acting suspicious?" Hiro asked, " No not yet. " Penny said, * Hiro sees Jemma * " Isn't that Jenny's sister?" Hiro asked, " Yeah, and she's acting weird, she's giving glears at people." Penny said, * At town square* " Did u see anyone acting wired?" Officer Nolen asked, " We saw Jennys sister Jemma. She was glaring at people." Hiro said, " How about you guys?" Penny asked, " We saw Coline acting wired, and we took him to the police station because he had an knife in his hand." Officer Nolen said, " And if colem was one of hem Jemma might be he other one." Hiro said, " We won't know, but I think we should head over to the police station and ask a few questions to Colen." Penny said, * At the Police station* " Colen this is detective Hiro and detective Penny, and we will ask u some questions." Officer Nolen said, " Ha try, I'm not going to tell u anything." Colen said, " Well if you don't tell us, we have to make u." Officer Nolen said, " Go ahead and try." Colen said, " We saw that you had an knife in your hand, why did u have that on u?" Penny asked, " Non of your business." Colen said, * They stepped out of the room* " He's going to be hard." Hiro said, " Well, he has to spill he tea and tell us." Penny said, " And if he doesn't tell us?" Officer Nolen asked, " He's definitely the killer because he's hiding things." Hiro said, " Well, let's keep on talking to him." Officer Nolen said, * They went back into the room* " Colen, why did u have a knife in your hand?" Hiro asked, " Jemma handed it to me." Colen said. " Why did she hand u those?" Penny asked, " It was a gift." Colen said, " I saw you threatened people by stabbing them." Officer Nolen said, " I was trying to figure out who tossed Jenny in jail!" Colen said, " I understand your upset about Jenny but is it true that you want to hurt people?" Hiro asked, " No, that's not true." Colen said, " Well that's all the questions we have for u, but you have to stay here for a while." Officer Nolen said, * They left the room* " Where was he last seen?" Hiro asked, " At Meadows mall." Officer Nolen said, * The next day* * They went to Meadows mall* " Do you know this man?" Hiro asked, * Shows the picture* " Yes, he was at,y store yesterday and he was holdinna knife, and he was pointing it at me. he wanted to know if I tossed Jenny in jail." The store manifr said. " Was he doing anything else?" Penny asked, " He stabbed one on my employees." The store manager said, " What was his or hers name?" Officer Nolen asked, " Violet, she used to work here, but when she went home, I heard that she's dead." The store manager said, " She was stabbed before and now she's dead from the killer." Hiro said, " So I hope you can find who he killer was." The e store manager said, * Walks away* " HEY GET BACK HERE!!!" Melissa shouted, * They saw he other killer* " Stop right here!" Officer Nolen said, * Hiro chances the killer* " Hiro wait!" Penny said, * Chases them* " I got he killer!" Hiro said, * Penny took off he mask* " Colen!?" Everyone said, " But youre sappusted to be in jail!" Hiro said, " Nope, someone was desiced as me."Colen said, " Jemma!" Penny said, * Takes him toge police station* " Jemma, I'm not Saprise to see u here." Hiro said, " Where's my money colen!?" Jemma asked, " I don't have it!" Colen said, " You said you will pay me!" Jemma said, " That was a lie." Colen said, " COLEN!!!!" Jemma yelled, " Well, you guys are going to be in here for a very long time." Hiro said, * Hiro and Penny left* " Another case closed!" Penny said, * They high-fived * " I still wonder why killing is happening in his city." Hiro said, " Yeah me too, but let's not worry, let's go celebrate!" Penny said. After another successful mystery they went out for the night to celebrate. Will there be more killers? We will see.