

Chapter 8

I guess this was the big day, I was dressed in blue pants and a red sweat shirt while Ella was in a red gown.

We waited downstairs for the academy official come pick us up.

‘They're here’ a young woman said as we went outside to see a large carriage being pulled by six not so large wolf beast, on the carriage was the academy symbol, a shield with two swords crossed on top a book.

We sat comfortable in the carriage as our belongings was loaded. After telling uncle Winston and Andrew goodbye,not knowing when we'll actually get to see again,we set out.

The speed at which we were moving was surprising,the journey was quiet as Ella and I were caught up in our thoughts, thinking of what to expect from the change in environment. I was not sure if where we currently were was a part of the city, I couldn't see any sign of people or houses all that was there were trees on both sides of the path way, it was long after that a giant gate came into view, then the large building.

As the gate opened for us to enter I took in what I was seeing,there was a castle like building in the middle of other not so large buildings. The carriage came to a stop as we were greeted by two students in uniform and a man that I guessed was a professor.

‘welcome to Remus city academy’ the man said as he spread is arms open. ‘You will be shown to your room and briefed about what you needed to know by Corner and Emilia’,he gestured at the student standing beside him. Our belongings had already being carried away from the carriage to probably where we would be staying.

‘come along’ Corner said as he gestured for me to follow.

I looked at Ella before letting out.....‘see you around Ella’ I said as I followed Corner.

‘You too Xavier’,she said smiling.


Corner had showed me the different rooms where different classes would be held, the main hall, and the cafeteria,he explained how we would participate in a contest that will come up in some weeks from now, it would open a window for us to take up mission during our holidays,with various guilds. I was thrilled that we would be given missions while still at school, atleast it wouldn't be all boring. We went to the school's tailor to pick up my uniform that was already made. It was a grey trousers and a white shirt with black coat that had the symbol of the school.

He handed me a tag that had my name on it, my house which was where I would be staying, HOUSE GUERRA was written boldly on it,my room number, room 101 and a serial number.

My house wasn't hard to locate,as we headed for the housing sections,names of houses were written boldly on the building. Before Corner departed from me,he gave me a small book containing the rules and regulations of the academy, and your time table

I went inside of house Guerra,and started searching for my room, the building was made up of four floors, each floor had fifty rooms, twenty five on your left and right.

Mine was the first room by your right on the third floor,I opened the door and I saw my belongings on one side of the room and the other side was a boy around my age,I guessed he was from a noble family because of the way he was dressed.

‘Hi, I guess you're my roommate’the boy stretched out his hands,‘I'm Eric,a fire mage’.

‘I'm Xavier’,I took his hands‘not sure which mage I am’ I said with a smile on my face.

‘not a problem,I'm sure you'll figure it out soon’ Eric said as he got ready for bed.

I opened the small book, scanned through the rules and regulations,the basic information I needed to know was that, magic was not allowed within the school premises,any form of dueling must be under proper supervision, students are to be on their uniforms within school hours, lastly we were forbidden from going through any of the portals in the school without meeting some requirements that were not stated in the book.

The last page showed the classes I was going to take for this semester. I had seven classes in total.

History and basic knowledge(HBK), Spell formation one(SF 1), Practical mama manipulation(PMM), Team fighting mechanism (TFM), Combat Form one,Survival and Adaptability(SA),  and Mana formation (MF)

Just as I got ready to sleep,I looked at the classes I would be having tomorrow.

HBK, MF, lunch and Combat Form one. Then we were free for the day.

Author's note: just wanted to know if you guys are enjoying the story🙂...please feel free to comment.
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