

Action and Reaction.
The sun was setting in the horizon. I watched it and wondered should I walk towards it or wait back, sitting on top of those hill wearing my high heels to prove that i am taller than all problems i face and accompanyed with a hat in hand and not on head showing that i don't fear anything and not even the mighty sun's heat. There were too many anticipations and it's answers fighting a different battle in my mind, and when i opened my eyes the sun had already gone and i missed the sunset . Still i sat there and suddenly I started noticing everything around me the cold breeze, the rustling of leaves, the chuckling of birds in thier nests, and saw something too ussual but out of our sights in cities. I saw 2 birds fighting and observed that one had big wings, body covered with feathers all over, and summing up it was an oversized predator and other was medium sized, little suspicious and cumsy dark grey coloured bird who was too weak to protest means the fight wasn't fair but what made me interested in thier fight was the grey bird making no efforts to protect itself , and i got soo pised off seeing him sitting there and taking up all hits from the stubborn bird . I was just about to move away from the place and was winding up my stuff and to my notice the small bird has just poke his beak to the injured leg of that feathery experienced bird who had just fell from a high tree branch and the smile on my face was too dramatic since my head had again too many confusing thought but heart was pounding too much happiness for the little one's victory .

1) Only a timely reaction can beat the toughest action.
2) Proving your abilities at every moment will make you weak one day soo don't prove just show.(skrewed up the idea of heels and hats😉)
3) Don't jodge a book by it's cover.

© Drashti Buddhadev