

She held on to the fragile branch with a death's grip as the roaring water threatened to drag her away.
She gasped, the bubbling swirls entering her mouth. There was no
hope left...

Giving up on the reality
She imagined herself in a garden of bliss
Smiling at her little puppy
droplets of rain wetting her body

But the rain felt so real
Yes!she was dying
she let go of the branch
Letting the water do it's course

It flowed not drowning her
But, twirling her in the sea
Memories of how she got here occurred to her
She only wanted to get the beautiful flower at the top of the cliff;she slipped at the top and the branch was her hope
she let go knowing it wouldn't suffice

She looked beyond and it was a waterfall
yes this really was the end
she was surprised she hadn't been eating by a shark
or fainted or even drowned she wasn't dead yet

She struggled to drown herself
By diving into the water
The twirling in the sea wasn't doing her good
She let the water do it thing
Remembering her breathing seizing
it was the end

She opened her eyes in a white room
is this the life after she wondered?
A woman in white entered
But why does she look like a nurse and not an angel
A man saved u from drowning the woman in white said
But all she heard and knew was that she survived