

The first meeting...
As I was browsing through the books, as usual the Library period had just started, and I decided to browse in military section, and than, their, somewhat it was to probably happen, I came across a small paperback type book on 2nd. Lt. Arun Khetarpal ( 17 Poona Horse). Just as I read the name again and again, I started realising that, ohhh he was the Brave Officer, after whom the Khetarpal Auditorium in Indian Military Academy, Dehradun is named. I decided to finally read about him. Born 14 October 1950, Date of Martyrdom , 16 December 1971, that's what I read again, and I was literally shocked. I couldn't believe my eyes, sacrificed his life at such a young age...I mean.. I mean ..just 21. I was wondering, why he had to do it, what reasons would have been for such daredevil action. As I turned the pages, I got to know that he was born in a family of soldiers, in Pune( Poona). The leadership, courage, selfless nature, dedication and commitment would but ofcourse come naturally. All his initial student life, he stayed with his parents, and soldiers were his playmates, who also told him, stories of different military operations, which definitely intrigued the young Arun more.
Time passed and he along with his brother ( Mukesh), was send to Lawrence School , Sanawar. He was best in sports, and was the Cricket Captain of the school, besides Cricket and basketball he had a passion for saxophone, and in academy days, took to Golf as well. As , I read , I realized he had a very compassionate and strong heart. Once when he was in Delhi, while returning from school, during winter months, a very old lady was begging for food, he didn't had food, but realised that she needs to keep herself warm as well, so he took off his cardigan and gave to her. When he reached home, he replied it was stolen ( later after many years, after his martyrdom, his parents got to know about this incident, through the son of that lady, to whom the cardigan was given) , such was that boy, during his growing up years. Arun went on to join the 38th course, in National Defence Academy, in Pune, he was in Foxtrot squardon. Arun was a very keen, observant, cadet and was the first to do each and everything, no matter how much tough it was. Standing at 6'2" , he was damn handsome and chivalrous.
In National Defence Academy, he learnt the basics of being an officer. The motto of N.D.A, "Service Before Self", was imbided in his heart and mind. After graduating from N.D.A, he moved to I.MA, where he would further be trained to be complete Officer. Arun's dedication and commitment to the training, made him the very best, and he got the choice of his regiment. He was commissioned in 17 Poona Horse, and was a cavalry officer. Smart, Dashing, Handsome, the uniform suited him completely. Now lt. Arun was commissioned at a time, when in coming months India was preparing to go for war with West Pakistan, so to liberate , East Pakistan( now Bangladesh). The day Arun was commissioned, he very well knew that war would be inevitable, and he would surely get to see action. He would get, what he has been longing for through out his life.
Arun was moved to his unit, which was located at that time in Sangrur ( Punjab), as he was an officer in cavalry, he had to learn about tanks, and for that he was send for young officers course, to Ahmednagar. But somehow the war clouds, started gathering, and he was to report back to his unit. His course was incomplete, and henceforth not properly trained for tank warfare. The officer was rearing to go to war, to be in action, to actually do what a soldier has to do. He being told that he can't go, decided to approach his Commandant, Col. Habit Singh, when being refused by the commandant, as well, Arun started crying, the expressions said a lot, and the Commandant, was moved by the dedication of the Young Officer. He told Arun that he can go, but only if he learns completely about the warfare in a month's time.
Arun was happy, and he did learnt everything, well afterall , every soldier wants to see war, and for someone like Arun, how could he stay far behind.
finally 17 Poona Horse, was ordered to move to Sialkot Sector ( West Pakistan). The strategic importance of Sialkot is, that whosoever has a strong hold over that area, can reach deep into the Indian territory, and than stopping them would be tough. 17 Poona Horse, was initially given defensive tasks, and did take, many enemy prisoners during that time. Even Arun, made a complete platoon ( 15 men) of enemy to surrender, that too at Pistol point. Days were closing in, and soon it was very much understood that India, will win the war.
But Pakistan being Pakistan,did everything to turn the tables, which somehow they couldn't.
We were too determined to win at all costs, and In Battle of Basantar, Arun and his tank squad, did the most bravest action. They knocked off 10 Pakistani Tanks, and didn't gave them any route to enter in India.
The tank battle was one of the most deadliest, ever in military history, and with everyone wanting to win, all stakes were up. Arun's tank during the course of battle had got two hits, and the tank had become vulnerable. The third hit, took the whole tank, killing the radio operator, and driver of his tank,Arun too was very badly injured, and was in his final moments.
His commandant and other officers , rushed to the spot, but it was too late, the Brave officer had beeathed his last, at the mere age of 21, we lost a Brave Officer, who did knew that he had a glorious future, but he also knew that enemy can't be given any breakthrough.
Arun's actions earned him the Paramvir Chakra ( highest bravery award) , during war time.
Arun's parents never got to see his body, it was only his ashes.
The year when Arun attained martyrdom was 1971, when I had my first meeting with him was 2009. The place of his birth, and the library I was sitting in , both happened to be in Pune.
His story left an impact on me, which I actually could be er understand, but yes it did gave confidence, to stand against all odds, for ever and ever.
My only wish is to meet him once, may be some parallel universe, but to actually meet him.
Jai Hind.

( Note: Lot's and lot's of articles are written on 2nd Lt. Arun , on Google, so can be refered their as well).
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