

unknown love
Chapter 3
crying I waited for the night but I was curious no one coming to my room I peek a little to my door hole but no one there I get out and steal my mother money and pack my clothes then I found this strange book the cover says "revertemur"I didn't understand that but I think that that book is important so I pack it ,the night came I jumped out then shout f*** you guys ,then whisper bye I'm going out to sreach the world, I saw a river I walk towards it I saw human with fins scale and it was beautiful I followed it but when I was following it it was gone I jump to the water then something miraculous happened a lightning struck to the waters I though I was going to die but someone saved me I was filled with gladness I shouted I'm alive I'm alive!!I was happy but I saw something strange I saw humans flying humans swimming then I was shocked I was in a fantasy world!!I punch a tree but I was an idiot my hands where bleeding and I was so very stupid that I punch that tree but I said to my self how I'm I goona live here I don't know how this world works I'm going back to that river but when I sreach for a river I saw nothing I was so scared and then I cried Im in a mysterious world help me but suddenly hope came a little girl with a cape I ask who are you she replied with a smile I'm althea which means "with healing power" I think your curios your in Revary if you want to comeback to your own world you need to use a portal but before you reach the portal you will face your greatest fear but some of them don't succeede I was scared when i was going to ask here again she was gone I shouted help me plss help me!!.
© ECoPy15