

Religion Crime
Religion does not teach us to crime or to be criminal, Religion does not Promote any violence in society. Religion is not made for making Crime and for provoking one to do so. Main Goal or Objective of Religion is different from thought process of a criminal, Rate of crime due to religious reason has significantly increased. Religion and Crime both are in two sides of a same coin or same page one is for creating peace and Abundance and Gratitude in our life and teaches us to love people whereas other one teaches us to hate and murder. Both can not be compliment of each other. Criminal Mind uses Religion as a negative tool to make Crime and promote violence in society. An attempt to murder by a criminal is contradictory with religious practice or holding any religion believe. The negative role played by a criminal in society has negative impact, the role and impact of religion in our society is positive. Each class of society deserved and demands respect except the one who is criminal, for development of society or in the path towards betterment of society A criminal plays as obstacle role which blocks the path of development but Religion Practice and proper religion believe and gaining wisdom through religion will help to make a peaceful society which will enhance, boost and accelerate the development of society so due to role conflict both can never assist each other in any way. Religion is made by people not by God so man made or human created thing can never be used to destroy any thing or any harmful purpose.

Disclaimer: This writing is not intended to attack any specific religion but discussed in general applicable for all religion.

© Arka Samanta