

Ghosts of the Past
Chapter One

Two days till I go back to the hellhole called a school. Don't get me wrong, I love my school but it's the bullies that cause the problems, I'm 5'3 so I'm not really tall, I go to one of the best schools around but I still get bullied.

This is not where my story begins but I'm too scared to tell that story to every one but I'll make sure I will, just not now, I'm still in the process of healing.

I'm in SS2, really, I'm really short for someone who's in that class, it's not as if shortness is part of my family genes, it definitely isn't, but the fact still remains that I'm short.

I groaned as I sat straight on my comfortable bed, I was going to miss home, today being Thursday, I had a lot of work to do, my school uniforms had already been ironed and put in place, my school clothes neatly folded and put away in my box.

I like doing my packing early enough so that I wouldn't have to delay, arriving early to school had always been helpful. I would arrange my things and put them all in order before the other students start trooping in and my friends come to drag me somewhere else.

My dad was one of the best lawyers in the State so that made me go to one of the best and fanciest schools in our area, Tower of Ivory.

The school groomed children properly even though we were allowed to carry electronic devices into the school and that also helped us with our studies, we could browse with our own devices not having to wait for our fellow friends, mates and even juniors to finish using the computers in the I.C.T lab before we do.

But this also had an added disadvantage, students would spend time on their phones all night until that led to the school authorities confiscating our phones at night but luckily for us this term, they had lifted the rule.

 I was more than happy, I was elated.                                                


I decided to make my way out of bed before my brother did it for me, I checked the time, it boldly read 4:25AM, I had only thirty-five minutes to get myself ready for the day.

I put on my fuzzy flip-flops and made my way to my bathroom, having your own room is the best thing in life trust me, though the first day you might get a little afraid of sleeping alone in the dark, the joy that comes with it is heavenly.

Taking my toothbrush, I scrub out the dirt's stuck up in between my teeth and wash out the bad breath from last night's afang soup. I decided to take a warm bath today so as to calm down my nerves before I start the day.

Coming out from my bathroom, I open my wardrobe and pick out a simple grey tee-shirt and black jeans. Unlike some Ibibio parents who only let their girl child wear shorts or trousers at night to sleep or only at home, or not at all for the matter, my parents let me and my sisters wear trousers at any time come rain or come sun.

I tie my long natural hair into a small bun at the top of my hair to avoid disturbance when cooking. I rub some lotion unto my chocolate coloured skin and put on some undergarments along with my clothes then my flip flops before carrying my phone and sliding down the stairs.

From the clock in the kitchen, it's showing the time as 4:50, ten more minutes before Daddy comes down, I go straight to the kitchen to heat the water Mom would use to make Daddy's morning tea.

Since it's Thursday, we would all have boiled plaintain and stew in the morning, being a family of five, with my Mom and Dad making it seven, Mom decided that we would have a food menu prepared so that what we eat at home would be ordered and balanced.

“Luke, Idara, Faith, Ubong, Kini, come downstairs for prayers!!”

Dad and Mom. It's time for prayers.

I put off the electric kettle and made my way to the living room with my Bible and devotional. I took my seat next to Mom, while waiting for my siblings. They finally came downstairs. Luke was carrying our five year old sister, Kini, as she was rubbing her eyes while my other siblings were struggling to stay awake and not stumble down the stairs. They were actually funny but I wouldn't dare to laugh at them, not when my Dad was around. You'd be asking for trobule.

After they all managed to sit down, my Dad stood up and said the regular morning greeting to us.

“Ame serie” (Good morning).

“Ame seriendie.” (Good morning to you too).

We all greeted back.

After the greetings, we read from the Holy Bible and the devotional and prayers were said, my siblings bounded up the stairs like their life depended on it... surely to go back to sleep.

Mom dragged me with her to the kitchen, so that we would start making breakfast but first, I gave Dad his tea and went back to the kitchen.

I started peeling the plaintains and boiled them in water while Mom handles the stew. I made a beeline for my brother's room.

Luke had been sprawled on his bed, his legs and hands in different places...he always looked funny when asleep. I shoke him enough to get his lazy self off the bed.

He fell with a thud. I laughed at him so bad my ribs started to hurt.

“You find solace in laughing while I wallow in pain, don't you?”

When I was finally able to compose my sentences properly, I answered him, “You know I don't brother, now get up or Mom would have to make you herself.”

I left his room and went to Faith's room, hoping to find her asleep but she was awake, drying her hair with a dryer. You see the difference between Faith and I is that while I'm the older sister, she is the younger bubbly one between the two of us who cares about her body than the amount of food she eats in a day.

I was cut off from my line of thoughts when a finger snapped near my ear. Sure enough, it was Faith, ready with her early morning drama.

“And what has got you day-dreaming so early in the morning, my dear sister?”

“ I should be asking a question to you Faith, why are you up so early?”

“I wanted to help you do the house chores today, seeing that you'll be going back to school soon.”

“Ehn? So it's now that you want to help me, ever since nkor, what happened then and you'll also be going back to school with me, so why are you acting as though you're going to stay behind, you know Daddy will never allow you to.”

“Daddy will allow me to stay jhoor.”

“Continue dreaming.”

“I will.”

“Lets go and wake Ubong and Kini first before you continue your dream.”

I walked out of her room chuckling, Faith always had the craziest imaginations, you see, my Dad, Barrister Ini Johnson, is a man of his words, once he says something, he sticks to it no matter what, so, my sister is only bluffing besides, she would never want to stay back at home while we are in school, even if she's sick, she prefers the school's clinic; at home, she would still do work even if she was to be sick, Mom would make sure of that.

Waking Ubong and Kini up was always very easy, sometimes we wouldn't have to, we would just carry the bathroom and we would bath them, mostly Kini, we let Luke deal with Ubong, he can be a handful sometimes and he doesn't steady.

We dressed them both and headed downstairs, Luke came out of his room, freshly showered and dressed in a blue flower-print shirt and black jeans...only God knows why he's wearing a flower-print shirt but it's not in my place to ask, I'll let Faith do it.

As if reading my thoughts, she turned to Luke and asked him, “Morning Lulu, what's up with the shirt?”

You see Faith has this habit of giving people nicknames but of course she doesn't try it with our parents, so I stay clear of her, there's this one time she called me ‘shorty’ in JS3, God knows I ignored her for days and she finally learnt her lesson and stopped giving me ridiculous nicknames.

“I myself do not know why I wore it sis, I guess I just had that vibe this morning.” Luke answered as he came to walk beside me.

Oh jeez, I shouldn't have made him fall this morning, he's going to trobule me like forever...

“Id, whats up?”, Id is a nickname for me at home, everyone uses it.

“My brother I dey.”


We walked into the dining room and took our seats, letting the sweet aroma of the plaintains and stew invade our nostrils while making our mouths water.

Mom approached with the serving spoons and plates while Daddy came with our food. The dining table was already set, as soon as everyone was seated, Mom said a quick prayer and we dug in.

After breakfast, Dad left for work and Mom went to prepare for a conference she had to attend due to office work, while Luke and I made our way to the kitchen to start on with the washing of the plates.

Just looking at the tower of dirty dishes and pots lying around, my vibe died down, I felt like leaving everything for Luke but that won't be fair, as if noticing my discomfort, he said,“I'll do the washing and you could rinse, is that okay?”

“Yes oo, thanks big bro, you know me too well.”

After doing the dishes, Luke went out to meet his friends, mostly to plan out the punishments they'll give to innocent junior students when we finally reopen.

I forgot to mention that Luke is also in my school but in SS3, he'll be graduating in a few months and I'll definitely miss him and his friends.

While he went out, I checked on my other siblings, then I put Faith in charge of them and went into my room to have some me time, myself and a good history textbook, I set an alarm on my phone for twelve o'clock in case I fall asleep, so that I could start preparing lunch, because I know for sure that Faith wouldn't do it and that Luke won't be back until food is prepared...

Then I started reading...


First Chapter is out.

So what do you think.
Please reading my story means a lot to me, don't forget to vote and comment.

Love you all.
Upcoming author,
Tani Steph.


Chapter Two.

Saturday is here..

You know what that means.... SCHOOL!

That could be classified as my worst nightmare and unluckily for me, Faith had to keep delaying and now I'm an hour behind my normal schedule, I loved arriving school early but thanks to Faith's constant nagging, we are going by 10, which I most definitely do not like.

We were on the road now, taking two cars, Mom is riding with me and Faith while Luke is riding with Dad, I wonder how he's coping, Dad can be very intimidating when it comes to giving a speech. I'm sure he's telling Luke to avoid bad company, read his books and other stuff like that which I certainly don't need to hear again, Mom has made that very clear.

Right now, my little siblings are at home with our cousins who just arrived from Ghana, I really wish I could stay back at home but it would be a shame for me to miss school and then all my friends will  look me, but my Dad said that he would apply for a leave for the three of us after our tests, I'm happy about that fact I will surely need a break.

Faith had her earplugs in but from what she's humming, I can tell that she is listening to Duduke by her favorite singer, Simi. Mom was driving and me, well, I had my nose stuck in a book.

God help me if I forgot any of my novels at home, I would cry, they are my source of inspiration and motivation.

We have five minutes before we reach the school premises and I was so happy but luckily for me, someone is more hyped than I am, it's no other person but my crazed sister, Faith Johnson.

Dad took Luke to the boys hostel. We would meet under a cherry tree in front of the Principal's office later on when we are through with all the procedures.

When our driver made a U-Turn then driving into the road that led to the girls hostel, Faith finally looked up after what seemed like hours, finally noticing that we were in school. For her, she sees no difference between our house and the school, because she still has her phone with her, she's like the ‘social bee’ of her class, anyone and everyone knows her, which also means everyone knows me and Luke, but people would know him, since he was the senior prefect of our school.

This is me, the quieter version of the two, I'm a mixture of both of them, I can be calm and collected when I want to and I'm definitely not afraid to stand for the truth and I can also be very talkative.

Finding a parking space, we highlighted the car, I went to the boot to get my luggages while Faith stepped out. She sighted some junior girls and called them over.

“Nneka, Lia, come here.”

“Good morning seniors, morning ma.”

“Good morning dearies, how're you all doing?” Mom asked.ñ

“We are fine, Ma,” Nneka answered.

“Oya, carry these bags go hostel.”

Normal Faith, as lazy as ever. They came to get my own bags but I stopped them, I won't trobule them, they also came back today with us.

“Faith, leave these children alone let them go and rest too.”

“Sister, what is this now, A mme tong.”(You have started).

“Ntongoke mkpo ntekeed.” (I've not started anything ooo).

“Allow them to carry these bags jhoor, follow and rest for once.”

Mom finally spoke up,“Just allow them to carry it so that your sister will stop talking, before I get a headache.”

“You see, even Mummy agrees with me.”

“Okay, but just for today.”


Sometimes I wonder if she's a teenager or a toddler. She's crazy.

As Nneka and Lia rolled our boxes to the hostel, I take my time walking, I always get fascinated by our school, no matter the amount of years I've been in it. From the natural and artificial trees giving a natural vibe to it and the flowers planted at designated areas and the buildings, styled to perfection. It shows the picture-perfect example of an international school.

I mean who wouldn't want to send his or her child to such a prestigious institution, but the thing is, not everyone has that sort of money.

Reaching the hostel, I let Faith get her things checked before me, the perks of being an elder sister, after a few minutes when by, the matron called for me, bringing my box to my side, I bent down to open it but she stopped me.

“You can go in dear, there's no need for me to check you, i know you won't bring anything that your not supposed to.”

“Thank you Ma'am.”

While she and my Mom conversed, Faith and I took our school bags inside, luckily for us we were put in the same room and she was sleeping right beside me, I still don't get why this school does that, if you have a sibling in this school and you guys happen to be boarding, they'd put you in the same room with them, not that I'm complaining, Faith is a great gist partner.

After settling in, which consisted of me mostly helping Faith because she ‘could not do it’, we made our way outside to meet up with Mom.

Provisions were allowed so I was busy munching on a bag of chips that Faith took out of her locker and she didn't seem to notice since she was too busy on her phone.

“Faithy, what are you doing?”

“I'm chatting.”

“And you haven't noticed that I have been stealing your chips?”

“I have, I'll just eat your own when you open it.”

“Okay, but please, could you take your eyes off the phone and look at where you're headed to?”


We got into the car and Mom drove to the cherry tree, we couldn't find Dad and Luke anywhere in sight, so we decided to wait, while waiting I caught sight of Luke, he was laughing with Ahmed and Joshua, his best friends.

Ahmed Ibrahim was the school's labour prefect, you know, all labour prefects as described by their names, were supposed to be harsh and cold-hearted, but he is quite sweet and caring but turns the exact opposite once one gets on his bad side.

Joshua Semek-obong, he's our Vice Principal's son, as such, comes with a lot of influence and power, he the calm and collected one among the two idiots.

Once the reached the car, Dad arrived too. Ahmed's dad was with him and they were bought grinning from ear to ear. I wonder how the two of them are even friends, they are completely different but when it comes to Luke and Ahmed, I wouldn't say the same...

The two dad's prayed in different dialets, using English where necessary so that the two parties would understand. After that I got my pocket money and made my way to the school's auditorium where my friends agreed we would meet.

I pulled out my phone and went through my Insta feed, I felt a presence beside me and I turned to see Ahmed...

Oh great...one of them followed me.

Only for me to glance at the door and find the other two smiling at me.

Why are they smiling?

I turned to Ahmed and he was smiling.

Why is he smiling?

This can't be good...


Chapter Two out and rollin'

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Happy Reading y'all.

Much love,