

Ghost House..
It doesn't sound good, about telling that, what I've feel.
It feel like, something more bad, or even worse. I'm lonely living in my luxury house, that's really haunting at night. Especially, when you're alone sleeping in your room, someone knocked at your door at 2: 00 am, Still I didn't memorize the perfect time.
I feel like there was someone with me, but I didn't saw.
But, when you're watching TV, the same series are shown, that you suffer a day before. Even, My food was replace with a bloody skull💀!!
But, no one knows where exactly do I live. Not even my own parents knew that. As I used to be Suspencial, I'm a kind of anonymous person but being quiet is my behavior and I don't bear to change it.
Yesterday, my PD and documents were disappeared, still I worked till 3-4 am at midnight. I switch the lights off, when I went to the kitchen, but when I returned, everything was in a disturbed appearance.

Anyways, That haunts me and I've not complain to anyone.

Stella Scott.

@18Feb #AmbitionMelody
#Haunts #StellaScott