

In the stillness.....
The time had come to start my journey. I leaned out of the window, waving as long as I could while she disappeared into the distance. This would be the first time that I was far away from my mother. She had been with me through every single day of my life; the joyful days and the sorrowful ones. I knew that it was wrong for me to lie to her the way that I had but in my heart I knew that this was something that not even my mother could save me from. She had persistently asked me what was bothering me for over a month now till I could no longer bear to see the worry etched on her already frail face. I immediately knew what had to be done.
"Two weeks mummy, I will be gone for only two weeks," I had lied. Deep down I knew that I was never going to come back home again. I knew that it was terrible to lie to her. However I couldn't bring myself to tell her the truth. It would have made it even harder for me to do what needed to be done. As she blurred into a dot in the distance, I finally allowed myself to feel all the emotions that I had kept bottled up inside for months. Tears welled up in my eyes and I let them flow freely. For the first time in months since the incident, I closed my eyes and listened to my heart. In the stillness, in the quiet, I heard it shattering into a million little fragments and I knew. What I was planning to do would break her heart to. I only hoped that she would forgive me with time.