

His Story
Claire had always loved Michael. She still loved him, despite his lack of interest in her, although that is what she tells herself. She is well aware that if he doesn't hate her, then he doesn't hold her in any regard, whether good or bad. As to why he does hate her, the reason was obvious.

Born into the war ground that is her royal family, there were many things she wished weren't part, no matter how evil it is. Her mother is the younger sister of the wife of the Supreme Lord of Enu realm, In order words, Michael's step mother. She was part of the people who had planned the banishment of his mother from Enu realm. And although she had been small, she was not that naive not to know that her aunt had plans, huge ambitions, and Michael's mother was just one of the many obstacles she had to get rid of in other to achieve her goal.

She achieved her goal alright, but was not prepared for when the Supreme Lord ladened her with the role of raising his son, as if he were her own. The supreme Lord didn't like his son, but no one knew the reason why. Not that he detested him till he sought to kill him- no, for he would have done that since; the supreme Lord had no empathy- he just found ways to make his son's life miserable, and derived pleasure from it, and everyone knew that prince wasn't in the Lord's favor. Everyone was present when he was being handed out strange tasks, that even the servants felt pity for him, for the tasks were below his level, and his father knew that.
Over time, people became bold and started to pick on him, everyone calling him the outcast prince. He had to fight his way to gain the respect of even servants, no matter the cause and just as usual, no one cared, and the taunt continued.

Her aunt gave birth to three sons. She had never liked her cousin's. They were all proud and ruthless, having no empathy for anything just like their father. They did what they wanted whenever they liked and killed whoever blocked their paths. No one of them was better than the other. But for some reason, they feared Michael. Detested him, yes, but feared him nonetheless. They followed their father around, and everyone believed that one of them would be the prince. Imagine their surprise when their father appointed Micheal to be the crown prince. Even Michael was surprised as much, if not more. But something in her intuition was happy for the role placed on Michael. She had a nagging feeling that Michael would have left ENU realm if his father had appointed one of his brothers, and apparently the king must have had the same suspicions too.

She had watched him for ages, all his victories and triumphs, sorrows and losses. She wished that she was there when he was happy, and that she comforted him when he was sad. Her love for him grew more and more everyday so much that it was bodering on obsession. So when the Supreme Lord had sent Michael on a quest to find the Abomination, she seeked his council and begged that she be allowed on the quest with Michael. As she already knew that Michael won't look her way, the only way he would do what she wanted was to meet his father. And interestingly, she was granted permission. She would have been suspicious, if not that her happiness towards her so called adventure with Michael overrode that feeling. As she left the throne room, she started planning on ways she would make Michael hers.

*SUPREME LORD OF ENU REALM: king of Enu realm
*THE ABOMINATION: the one prophesied to bring about the downfall of ENU REALM.

© Naomi Obasi