

It was an old fashioned clock, the one which doesn’t require any batteries for its working . It had a spiral spring in its system,you just wind it up once a day and there you go, it could tick itself to the next day. The frame was well polished and it infact shined whenever the light was switched on. The background on which the dial of the clock was located was blue in colour. It was a simple blue velevet cloth which had gathered much dirt over all these years.The fibres of the cloth were giving away .

The best part of the clock was its shiny silver pendulum which struck once every half an hour sounding like an old clock installed in some centuries old clock tower.The door of the clock was hinged at one end while the other had a tiny lock on it. It had been there all these years. The key to the lock was kept under a cloth spread on the shelf just under the clock. The shelf was made much above from children’s...