

You can't survive in this world ,if you can't communicate.
You will be a failure if you doesn't sharpen your communication skills ,if you can't explain you're feelings then you're useless .

When you came out of your imaginery world you'll reliase that your negative thoughts are sometimes more accurate than your positive thoughts ,even you don't criticise yourself and stay motivated yourself ,people around are always there for you to remember you that you're useless.

Even if I try to make my best ,something will be there always to know me again that I am useless.
In real world,things are not gonna work how you want to ,the things will go as per the system ,sometimes it will be in your favour and sometimes against you.

Year by year I try to improve myself ,I try to show my new personality whenever I go to a new place,but people recognize my personality within seconds that how introverted,sensitive ,nervous I am ,they didn't even give me time to show something else and I have continue what that personality ,some people try to interact with very rarely I reply back to them most of the time I just ignore them or reply in few words or answer to their questions in yes or no ,sometimes I want to open with others but they didn't show any interest in me😑

I am also a human being like others ,I also want to interact with other ,to enjoy,to be a part of a social event or in happiness and also in saddness of others,I also want to famous ,to achieve success,complete my dreams.
But all this things are just fake for me ,because I never be a human ,it's true that I can't say that there is noone in this world didn't understand me,coz there more INFJ like me on this but I can say that I am not like INFJ ,because they are useful in someway but I am totally usless.

Their is nothing I could able to achieve myself,Idk what I have done so far,I know criticizing myself is a bad thing ,but it's important to think that I am just trying to fit in a world that's never made for me ,I always behave like an alien.

Though I always met good,kind hearted people in my life till now ,that are too supportive and caring towards me,but the thing is that what I do for them ,there's noway I can help them or they never want my help.

I have very weird traits,I try to make them my strength but it always act like a waste for me,I do not have a skill that I can say that I am master in ,there's nothing that I am special except being an useless.

People always see me as a different person,Idk why but they always makes an image of me ,and then I had to be bounded in that image they had made,it's difficult for me to communicate even when it's necessary ,coz I am not even confident on my words anf action and they can mind it if I say this or that.

Living in this world require more social skills then any other skills ,is that imply that introvert can be successful in thier life ,
In my opinion the answer will be no ,because I think they can also be successful as extrovert but they have to believe that they have act a little extrovert for it or maybe more.

Even trying doesn't produce a result ,I always had to came back to start position and start again ,I had reason for my every action ,for my words,Like for example why don't talk too much ,most of the people always ask me this question ,but i have no answer to relpy them ,but inside my mind a answer is preparing for me and that is my biggest fear the fear of Separation .

I think these all fears that I have and being a highly sensitive and emotional make me a useless person ,my sensitivity is too high that even I couldn't resist it ,it's out of my control ,I can't tolerate when somebody yell at me ,it's better to hurt me physically rather than emotionally .

There are too problem too discuss about me I want there should be something good in me also,but it's not there,people always say to me speak louder ,I felt a little Disappointed when I had to speak in front of a group of people they all put a high pressure on me that time,and then my mind stops working ,I can hear thier voices yelling at me to speak something ,but I couldn't able to speak a single word ,in the end they had to accept the fact that I am useless I couldn't say a single thing.

I just want to out from this world ,peoples are good but they didn't able to coordinates with me or maybe I with them ,all these negative thoughts are for a temporary time but they always life a huge question mark on my existence and a heavy regret.

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