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in or as life stated were as were, and as, off ,stated illustory....in the imagining of it all .The only subtle consonating sound was us, and ,we needed that..not in- determinatly .But boxal like in ,a ,euphoric kind of way .Or.. metaphorically you, know, when, like you need something .And everybody surrounds you sort of like that you know and thats it ...nothing more ..nothing ,posh or ,nothing sinister .As an overseer of all the river never could've needed more and i liked that..desperation as always though we needed something ..and a definitive gesture wasn't one in mind...deserved or contempted. Given so we concurred on anything but the life we were given ... strirated or behaved. Given a time in many though the river needed us. And as a Jetson sort of family we were in organically reshelved ..

© Ronald R Woods Jr African American 355-××-××23 1/14/2022😎