

Cousins... Part 7
“Are you ok? Do you know who they were?” I squeeze him.
“I do know them, so do you. I am fine but you don’t look upset.” He shrugs,
“My parents know I am a rebel. Everyone who knows me said I was destined to be the joke of the family. With that kind of expected future since 2nd grade I could care less what they think now. Only my mom had big plans for me that I made come to fruition. I am worried about you, you’re the sensitive one. Who saw us together?” I am about to tell him when the elevator dings and opens at our floor revealing,
“Father…” I feel my hands start to shake, followed by my arms. Jameson puts an arm around me and knows exactly who saw us on the beach. Jameson leads me out of the elevator and keeps me next to him if not slightly behind him. My father looks Jameson up and down before his eyes fall on me.
“Gwendolyn, we need to talk.” I nod slowly, my stomach feels hollow, if I had eaten I might be throwing up right now. I make to move away from Jameson who tightens his grip on me. He rubs my arms so I throw mine around his waist. My dad looks from me to Jameson.
“No uncle. I won’t let you take her away from me right now and belittle her. She is sensitive and I won’t let you crush her. If you’re gonna do that, than do that with her next to me so I am here to keep the pieces from falling into a thousand different ways.” My dad looks at Jameson for a long moment then nods and walks away. He stops at the door to my room so I grab my key and try to open the door. I fumble with the card multiple times before Jamesons hand comes around and lands on top of mine.
“Deep Breaths Gwen, slow deep breaths, I am right here with you, I am not going anywhere.” I do as he intructs and manage to get the key to work before slowly pushing the door in and flipping the main light on. I walk over to the window trying to steel my spine before turning around. When I do I see Jamesone staring my dad down in a show for dominence. If I wasn’t so worked up I would have laughed.
“Father, you wanted to talk to me.” He looks away from Jameson and back at me.
“A first I was suprised, disgusted even when I saw you doing that with… your cousin. I walked away with your mother and thought everything through. This is my fault, I let your mother control everything we did. We left you alone more then not. All the events for family through out your life your mother didn’t want you to come so she wouldn’t have to watch you, she could go and do whatever she wanted. This is the first event where you got to come, old enough to care for yourself. Tell me Gwen, did you fall for this young man before you knew who he was?” I remain silent and nod to answer his question. He nods in return. He turns to Jameson,
“I know about you Jameson, your a wild card, living against the grain of society. Yes you did make something of yourself but I will be damned if I let you hurt my daughter.” Jameson squares up against my dad,
“I would never do that to her, she means everything to me.” My dad does not look convinced,
“Did you know who she was when you first saw her?” Jameson shook his head no,
“I had no idea who she was until she told me her name. I was surprised at first and then quickly discovered that I didn’t give a damn. I wanted her, and now she is mine and I love her.” My father mantains eye contact with Jameson before he nods,
“Just know, I will ruin you, everything you have will be gone. You will be lucky to be living in a cardboard box after I am done destroying everything you have worked so hard to obtain. It would be so easy, a few phone calls before breakfast and it’s all over. Do you understand me Jameson?” Jameson nods with a determinded look on his face.
“I understand Uncle, it will never come to that. What about Gwen?” My dad looks confused for a long time at Jameson.
“What about my daughter?” Jameson looks over at me.
“Are you going to tell anyone? Is she still welcome at family get togethers? I don’t want her to be any more isolated than she already is.” My father laughs the deepest most senciere laugh I have ever heard come out of him. He pats Jameson on the shoulder.
“Oh my boy, my daughter will always be welcome in my home as will you at family functions under false pretenses for disgresion. Just know, if you ever feel like trying to harm her reputation with a scandel, you or anyone by accident or on purpose. You will be serving a life sentence in the Jovonah State Asyslum for the criminally insane drooling down your shirt, so effectively drugged up that you won’t even care if you shit yourself.” I swallow hard and it makes a sound. I have never seen my father like this. I heard about his ruthless side, thats how he has the money he does now but damn I never knew it was this bad. I walk up to my father and touch his arm. He looks down at me and his face softens.
“Damn daddy, remind me to never get on your bad side.” He laughs again and pulls me into his side.
“It’s only because I love you Gwenny.” He pulls away from me after a long hug.
“I need to get back to your mother, I will see you tomorrow.” With his piece spoken my father leaves us alone in my room. I look around it,
“Can we go back to your room now?” Jameson walks over to me and picks me up making me squeal as he carried me into the other room through the ajoining door.
“Now, what would you like for room service? I should get that ordered before I strip you down again, or we will never eat.”

The next moring i wake and stretch long and hard, I haven’t slept that soundly in such a long time.
“No, no, no, no, no Clark listen to me. You need to stop that program right now, that program has not been cleared to be implemented yet! It still have cracks in the code, malware and lord knows what else it could leak into the main system.” I sit up in the bed and see Jameson at the small table with a computer infront of him. He has glasses on his face which is a much bigger turn on than normal. He looks damn good in glasses except for the frustrated look on his face. I know his company is new and something looks like it is going wrong. He slams his fist down on the table.
“When did that start? … Listen to me very carefully Clark, Stop typing, move back from the computer, get up and walk out of the room. Don’t touch any computer in that building until I get there. I will leave here in an hour and there in another 3 tops.” Jameson slams the phone down on the table and I jump again. He is so angry. I am afraid to move, he is staring out at the ocean like it has the answers he needs. Above all else, he is leaving me.” I knew this day would come but I never thought it would be so soon. I don’t want him to go, I don’t want us to be apart. I steel my back for whatever he has to say to me when he does turn around. Jameson turns around and meets my eyes. He doesn’t say anything just stands and comes over to the bed.
“There is a problem in Washington with software. I need to go and fix it.” Jamesone grabs the blanket over me and pulls it down and away. I am left naked on his bed.
“I don’t want to leave right now, I will be back though Gwen. Before I leave…” Jameson unbuttons his pants at the end of the bed and pulls out his cock. He is hard and ready for action. He pumps himself in his hand.
“I don’t have a lot of time Gwen, I need to be inside of you. I need you to know that I am coming back.” Jameson kneels on the bed and I open for him. His eyes are glued between my legs. Before he slams deep inside of me. He doesn’t waste any time. He is hard, quick and to the point. We’ve never made love like this before. This is hard, sweaty, and punishing. I cum moments later and Jameson follows. We are both breathing heavily on the bed when he pulls out. He normally stays inside of me for a lengthy amount of time afterwards, I like that better. Jameson kisses me deeply before pulling away from me and getting back to his feet.
“I’m sorry about this Gwen but I have to go.” I nod and shake a dismissive hand at him.
“You’re business needs you, I can understand that Jameson. Just don’t get use to these quickies, I get their point but i like the other better. “ Jameson laughs while walking over to his closet where he starts to pack his things. He doesn’t look like he has much.
“Oh, you mean you like having me deep inside of you for a long time ensuring my seed stays deep down where it should be?” I shiver at his words and he grins.
“Soon Gwen, we will be back together soon. I love you, don’t ever forget that.”
I love you too Jameson.”

By the afternoon, I am sad and missing Jameson, but a week later without a single phone call I am miserable enough that everyone who talks to me can see it. I want him back. His two cousins have tried to keep me company and yes they are funny but they have lives of there own and things they want to do before returning back to normal everyday life. I’m on my way down to breakfast when I see my father get off the elevator with my mother and Jamesons parents. I don’t know them very well but I know I will get to one day soon, I hope.
“Father can I talk to you?” He stops walking with my mother and lets her hand go before coming to me.
“What’s wrong Gwen, is everything alright? Do I need to fix some problems so soon?” Fierce, determined daddy is here so quickly. I pat his arm to calm him.
“No father, nothing so drastic, hehee. I love you. You are aware though that Jameson has been gone a week due to unforseen hiccups in software at his new company. I am not having fun here father, can I please go home early?” My mother immediate guffaws like a chocked parrot but a pointed look from my father has her closing her mouth before she could even get started. He looks back down at me.
“Are you sure everything is ok? You need to be honest with me so that when something is not ok I can fix it.” I smile up at him,
“Honestly Father, everything is ok. This…” I wave my hand around the tropical resort.
“This just isn’t my scene, alone.” He nods in understanding. He hands me a card,
“Call Beatrice at the office and tell her she needs to get you one plane ticket back to New York ASAP. She will not question you, she knows better. Call me as soon as you cross the threshold into the house. I love you Gwenny.” My father pulls me into a hug and I hold on to him for a few seconds longer then I know I should.
“Thank you Father, I will call as soon as I can.” I let him go and watch as he walks slash drags my mother toward the breakfast area.
“She needs to stay here, she needs to learn to socialize. She will end up a cat lady.” I have new respect for my Father, through out all of my mothers meaningless self concerns about me he doesn’t even look down at her.