

Zombie And The Honeybees (pt 4)
(Vianne's point of view) I can't believe that it's been a year since the zombie outbreak, we are all alive and at the age of 14, so far we haved moved 48 times and switched our car 24 times. By the end of 3021 we needed new cloths, the cloths we had were getting small not to menchen that they were covered in blood. I asked Riley if she knew the way to a clothing store still being the only one that can drive, she said that she knew a store near by and told me to tell everyone to get ready because we would be out of the house by 1:25. We had gotten everything that we need stocking up on food and refilling are water bottles, we grabed are wepond and made are way outside to see Riley in the car struggling to get it to stay on. She got out of the car keys in hand and poped the lip of the car to see what the problem was, she looks up with an annoyed look on her face and said that the eninge gave out and that we were going to have to walk to either a new house to get a new car or we to the store. We desided to walk to the store because we needed the exersize, we all got a good grip on are weponds and began walking to the store because we couldn't stand the way the cloths smelled. (Rileys point of view) As we made are way to the store I couldn't help but to be spacing off , we rarely walked long distence because of my ablity to drive and when are car gave out I got scared because I knew that I had to be the one watching everyones back, but that was dificult when I also had to lead everyone to the store. As we walked all I could think about was if we could make it to the store find a new car and a set of keys before we incountered a zombie or zombies. I was lost in thought and didn't see the mob coming up from the right, Hayden tried to get me to snap out of it by yelling my name, I looked over my sholder and pointed over to the mob that was now a yard away from us. Vianne and abby charged at the mob swinging their weponds trying to hit the zombies, Me Kati and Hayden looked at each other and when Kati nodded we also charged at them, after 10 minutes of swinging and bashing in the heads of the zombies we were finally done, Hayden yelled at me for spacing out because I was usely the first to spot and get rid of them. I didn't know what to say, I turned around and said come on and we started the walk to the store again. (Kati's point of view) Riley seemed off almost like she wasn't even paying attention, as she walked infront of us we looked at each other to see if anyone else knew what was going on so far no one knew, Riley stops turns around with a smile on her face and tells us that we are here, we look at the building infront of us to see a thrift shop. Abby walks over the door and trys to open but just are luck it was locked, it had been closed when the virus started to spread I quess the owner of the store got infected or just didn't bother going back it to it. Abby walks down the steps and back over to us and asks us what we should do, I look over to Riley to see a wide smirk on her face, she gets to the top of the stairs takes a running starts and kicks open the door, she turns around and say business is open.
© Julia storymaker