

A letter you never received
After 3 1/2 years and my back injury you gave up on us and decided to cheat even after i gave up my dreams to try and make yours a reality....I was there when you needed me and gave up a career so i can be with you while your mother was going through breast cancer for the 3rd time even got a tatto dedicated to her on my forearm....I gave up a lot of things and put you first and i regret letting you go with your friends that night only for you to stab what was left of me... i woke up to you telling me and me thinking it was a prank....I was planning to leave until you sat in front of that door with fake tears streaming down your face...I left and got my head together and decided that 3 1/2 years wasnt worth throwing away so i came back to you telling me you wanted to be alone....that day was the worse day ive ever felt in my life....I felt stupid....ashamed of my existence...yet you decided my pain meant nothing and you were all that mattered.
© KrypticWriting