

We're all trying our best.
If you so somehow founded my story..
and you're willing to read it...then
thank you.

let's start.

I thought that life was always happy and easy. and of course I was wrong.
a lot of people are suffering from depression, anxiety, social life and etc.

and there's me.
when I was a kid, I though that I will always be happy, and I though that all of the people are happy in this world.

when I'm growing up.
things didn't go very well.
I started to get stressed out by all of the work and school.
I started getting bullied.

I cutted myself.
I stopped using the knife because I don't want my parents to find out what I was doing with a kitchen knife in my room,
so i used a sharp metal ruler instead.

as the time goes on, things get worst and better at the same time.

I started having suicidal thoughts.
and a lot of people started to suffer from depression.

whats the problem with depression?

some of the people don't wanna die, they just wanted to be relieved, and they want freedom.

for the teenager :

its hard for them to tell their friends , family and especially their parents.

most of the parents will probably take depression in a teenager as a phase.

sometimes people fake depression for attention.
feeling sad and depressed is different.

and for the people who are suffering from life .
we're all trying our best to be okay.
we're trying to be happy.

what we do in public.

we fake a smile..
we pretend to be okay..
we pretend to be happy..
we hide our real feelings..

but all we really do is..

we cry ourself to sleep.
we hurt ourself.
we get stressed.
we suffer from social anxiety.

I feel bad for the people who got betrayed , heartbroken , abused , hurted and etc.

in the world we live in..
no one is perfect.
no one stays forever.
there will be a time that they will go or leave you alone.

from me :

to the heartbroken people :

don't give up, you will found the one. just be patient. you need to learn more about the person before you trust them completely. try to forget about them and talk to the person that is close to you.

to the people who are suffering because of social anxiety and school :

you'll get through it, one day you will start to get better and you will look at people differently from the way you look at them before. and for school it will get better if you try your best. it will get better I promise.

for the people who gets betrayed and have fake friends :

you will find a better person and a better friend. don't run back to them. don't let them affect you. there will always be a better person. stay strong.

for the depressed people :

its okay to be sad sometimes but its not okay to be sad forever. try to talk to someone about it. talk to your family and friends when you're ready. it's okay to be different. find what makes you happy. do not overthink. you need to love yourself. you need to start loving people too.

we're all suicidal people who tell the other suicidal people to not kill themselves.

and we're all trying our best.

we will be happy again.
we will be free.
don't lose hope.
find yourself again.

Thank you for reading this.
have a great life. ❤

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