

On Rasicm and All lives matter
All lives SHOULD matter, I agree, and that goes for animal lives as well while we're at it. Racism isn't something that only white people do. Yes, believe it or not black people can be racist as well and literally any other "race" you could think of.

When you think of racism, most people's minds go to white against black and that's where our problems start.

Racism is MUCH more subtle than that. Racism is thinking that (and maybe even without realizing it, because most of this is ingrained in our society) that all hispanics are lazy and work in farm fields for a living, that all middle-easterns are terrorists, that all blacks are dangerous and in a gang, that all asians are smart and love computers, that all whites are racist and rich (yes, I realize white people don't experience rasicm but this is still what some people think of them), and so on and so on.

Now, you can say that these are all just stereotypes and if that's the case then I say we abolish the notion that one group of people all act and look a certain way. It is not up to us to determine whether or not someone is valid or "correct". If we use the Christian way of thinking (or the way they should think) we'd say that God makes no mistakes whatsoever. If you as a "Christian" truly believe that, then why do you look at a child with down syndrome and treat them as if they have a disease? Same goes for lgbtqia+ children and literally any and all children (or adults) that Christians shun, no I am not saying someone can murder people and get away with it, I'm saying people with mental health issues (many whom never get the treatment they need and therefore turn into serial killers and murders), people who are lgbtqia+, people who have a disorder from birth or whenever really are valid and deserve just as much rights and love as the ones who don't and aren't.

It is not up to us, mere humans to play God and decide who does and doesn't get rights. Everyone in the entire world deserves to feel love and have rights...equal rights.

Whether you want to believe me or not all humans are one race, just different shades of that race (the human race) and its about damn time we acknowledge that instead of hating others for no reason (yes I'm classifying hating others for their skin color, sexual orientation, disabilities, mental health issues, and gender under no reason, because none of that is a valid reason to hate someone).

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