

A Mother's bond
On the 3rd day of a hard break up, I decided to get out of a depressing mood and told my children we were going to G.G's ( cooler way for them to say great-grandma.) She always knows how to make us feel better.

we all start getting ready in what my at the time 5yrs son called park clothes, meaning clothes that can get ruined. and headed the 1.3 miles over, singing" fight song" on the way over, my daughters favorite song.

When we get there G.G greets us at the door with a smile and invites us in. The kids take off straight to the playroom to play with my niece happy to see each, laughing and screaming all the way upstairs. Well G.G and I dart in conversation to the coffee pot.

A while goes by and My son comes down to ask for a drink, me hurrying to wipe the tears from my eyes so he doesnt see me crying, failed miserably...Next to my surprise my son was standing looking at me and said "Mommy you don't need a boyfriend you got me! I can take care of you." I reach oit to him and put my hand around his waist and sat him on my lap, held him tight and silent tears started to pour down my face. My 5yr old,son not even knowing what we were talking about,in a instead molded back my broken hard. Our mother and Son bond is unbelievably strong and not even distances, between our hearts can it be broken. I love you Zayden.

© Destiny Cline