

SEX(Part One)
The preversion of sex in our society today, is silently destroying the destiny of so many people. Many of us didn't learn what we know about sex from Bible study but from the society. The only thing the church emphasize on was that we, shouldn't have sex before marriage and it leaves us to figure it out.

The truth is, sex is ravaging most of our life and it one of the biggest thing we deal with. Like sexual urges,sexual frustration, sexual partners whether we've done it or not, it something we are all dealing with.

80% of adolescent says that they find out about sex, violent and drugs by their peers, television or on the internet. So 80% of adolescent are not finding out about sex from their parent, from church or biblical knowledge.

And the saddest truth about this whole thing is that, 50% of high school students as been sexually active. And if the church does not stand up to say something about this topic, then we bet the enemy win without putting up a fight.

Many of the problem that you deal with in insecurity today, it because sexual things were not addressed when you were younger. Many of you have secrets, pains, frustration from your family and nobody never have the guts to address it with the word of God, they told you to be quiet, they told you "No! that didn't happen" you didn't say anything you knew cause if you say something, your gonna get into trouble. But today there is freedom coming for you.

When I was younger, I had Knowledge about things I was'nt suppose to know at that age and those things grew up with me till it almost destroyed my life but I was saved and made to understand those things were wrong and I need to stop.

Sex is God idea

We have to redeem and reclaim this idea of sex being a bad thing. It a bad thing if it's out of it context God made it to be in. it a great thing if it inside the context God made for it to be in. The enemy has distorted so bad in your mind and in your heart that when you think about sex it is something that suppose to be covered, something that suppose to be secret, something that suppose to be behind the scene.

God first command to humanity is go have sex, be fruitful and multiply. Sex is not bad but what you've been taught about sex is bad. Sex is not an abomination sex is amazing but he put it in a container that is suppose to be controlling it so that it can give him glory and when it's out of the container it becomes destructive and causes death in some people's life.