

Dare by Vanish
Hello peoplzzz...
(sorry for that cringy start)
here's the challenge by Vanish... and I am gonna accept it and do it ryt here👇

***Two words that describe me the best

1.) Messy -: hell yeah, I am messy as hell... As my mom says 😌 I can't do anything rightly, trouble's gonna follow wherever I go, and mistakes are my partner indeed, there has to be atleast a single error in everything I do.

2.) cogitative/broody/melancholy-: yes, I think a lot... so much that I often hurt myself with my own thoughts... I assume things very badly... and that's the reason I often get pain in left chest... or anxiety strokes... infact heartbreak quotes too


***Two songs which strike me the most

(list keeps on changing but as for now)

1.) City of the dead -: nightcore version

2.) driver License -: especially that line,
"And you're probably with that blonde girl
Who always made me doubt
She's so much older than me
She's everything I'm insecure about."


***Two people who inspire me the most

1.) Carryminati -: I don't care what stuff anyone thinks about him... but I am inspired by his life story and struggle...

2.) My teacher 😌 Mrs. Monika.


***Two idiots who love me the most (there are three actually)

1.) my sister and bro 😂 (basically tai Ji's children)

2.) My real bro 👊 (yeah, my only younger sibling)


***Two feelings which strike me most

1.) Past nostalgia and realising things that happened with me 😌...it's pretty painful

2.) Feeling of being wrong and unloved


***Two things I hate the most

1.) To be restricted for no reason... 😌They teach me to speak up when I feel to raise my voice against anything.. and when I feel to.. then they ask me to be quiet...in the name of sanskaar*.

2.) 😒🙄 the people who fake out their care and sweetness 😒😒 I mean they are pure hypocrites to be honest... faking our their sorrys and gentleness 🙄for no reason...I mean, they can't even stand for themselves and they wud definitely take a turn back...

© ninety nine