

New Dolls For Melinda
It was June 7 1993 a family moved to Greenville South Carolina in a big house they had daughter name Melinda shis six years old. Melinda's parents names are Maria Spielberg, and George Spielberg that day Melinda was sorting out her toys in her room she noticed that they were too old and broken she couldn't play with them anymore she told her parents and both agreed to buy her some new toys. The family drove out to the toy store they went with their daughter there was all kinds of toys in the toy store there were toy boats, toy airplanes, toy trains, there were toy cars etc there were a lots of toys Melinda wanted to go in the dolls section she saw all kinds of cute dolls there were brand new dolls for sale they were called Sir Calvins dolls Melinda wanted a Sir Calvin doll there different types of Sir Calvin dolls on sale Sir Calvin with a top hat on, Sir Calvin making a funny face, Sir Calvin with a birthday hat on, and Sir Calvin with a bandana around his neck. These Sir Calvin dolls came out in the 1940s a lots of people been buying them for their children the Sir Calvin dolls first came out around the 1940s the prices on the dolls were very good they were $5.0 Melinda's parents made her choose one and so Melinda chose one and they left the store Melinda was very happy she was playing with her Sir Calvin doll in the car all the way home. Melinda played with her Sir Calvin doll in the house she played with it so much till she felled asleep.
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