

Let me guess, she would be in my room may be arranging stuffs and changing flowers in the pot. Why is there too much crowd here, oh yea isn't today fireworks. Let's have a little peek and then straight towards the home, grandma must be waiting......
" Oh, you are here", a lady said in panic. Everyone was looking at me, they created a path for me to enter. You guess it right, grandma was lying down on the ground. Maybe it was cause heat stroke or something else but isn't her eyes faded away already. No am just overthinking, she have some time left, I know she does. " Am sorry, my child but we couldn't save her", that lady said holding onto my one hand. What do she mean by 'sorry' grandma is just fine it must be a sunstroke. "Grandma", I said, trying wake her up. I never called her that before today, " Grandma, let's go home ", I said again in a low voice.
Why isn't she responding to me? No it can't be grandma knows I don't like to live alone, she would never leave me. " Why is she outside? " I questioned that lady. "She didn't wished you to see her dying", she replied coldly. What she mean by 'dying', grandma will be fine. " Am here grandma, you don't need to run from me. You are not going to die, I promise you that you..... " I just couldn't complete my sentence. Tears rushed down my Cheecks. When I realized how cold her hand was my chest suddenly felt a heavy weight, the air was getting thicker and thicker and grandma was not waking up, she wasn't replying back, she wasn't opening her eyes, she wasn't getting up.........
After grandma was gone once again I didn't have anyone to go back, she was my only thing I was scared to loose.

𝘼𝙛𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙢𝙤𝙧𝙚 𝙩𝙝𝙧𝙚𝙚 𝙮𝙚𝙖𝙧𝙨......
Now, I am 16, and going to move Tokyo. I can still see the people who are dying, after grandma's death I tried to help others in order to save them, but gradually people started to consider me as a curse. Nobody never visited me or looked at me...
I wished I could stay here forever. But the people here never talked to me after grandma was gone. Even people was scared to come near my house. I stopped visiting that bridge after few months.
Due to some reason I couldn't remember much of past, the time I spend with grandma, how I came here, how do I have so much scars on my body. Everything was like a puzzle. How does that lunchbox boy looked like...
Only one thing was clear that I have to go to Tokyo. Grandma left a generous amount of money behind along with a letter, telling me everything thing.
She told me the lady who bought me here was my real mother, she also told me that my mother sold me because I wasn't her own daughter. None of that bullshit matters now when grandma was gone, neither the thought ' didn't she kissed me on forehead when I used to go school? Was all that just a play? ' bothered me anymore.....
I think I would probably open a flower shop in Tokyo on rent with the money I saved........
May be I can start living a normal life. But somewhere I knew I couldn't, somewhere I knew seeing people fade away like dust wasn't a gift. It's more like a curse, you can't do anything to save the one, you can just sit back and watch them dying no matter how hard you try to save them but at the end they'll be perished......

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