

Elves and Never Sprites at Barns & Noble
She chose her cleanest piece of clothing to wear. It was a festival afterall and she wanted to celebrate with everyone else. When she stepped into the street a speeding car drove by splashing dirty water on her.
A tear fell down her cheek. The poor had no right to celebrate...

"It's not fair!" Shyness really didn't think the human world was so cruel. What, with its technologies, making deliveries for Santa should be easy! Shyness was an Elf but quite human, actually. Why did they treat her this way? Ben saw Shyness. He said, "I got wet too." Shyness asked, "Did you get sprayed by a car?" Ben said, "No. Eight teen-aged boys threw balloons filled with water and snow at me." Shyness pointed to a Barns & Noble bookstore saying, "Let's dry and go in." The elves used their "drying and cleaning" abilities. Their clothes were as good as new! Shyness opened the door with one hand; she held her sack in the other. Ben walked into the first door and pulled open the second. Once in the store, the Elves found the Children's Story Time area. Kids gathered; Santa was not here, but Red was. He didn't like crowds or going in front of them! Ben and Red practiced together. Shyness asked, "Are there more Elves here?" Girls said, "An Elf named Tweak is here with Grumpy." "Despite his name, Grumpy is cute!" Grumpy blushed; he immediately regained his dignity, though. Grumpy said, "Girls, thank you for the compliment. Kids, stay behind the line, pleaase." There was a piece of green tape on the floor. Kids stood behind it, lining up. Grumpy looked at the children. He warned, "No one sits in this chair," Grumpy pointed to the big chair Santa would sit in. "until Santa is here. Understand?" The kids nodded. Ben took a few more breaths. He said, "Does anyone know a red-nosed reindeer?" He sang "Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer" with the kids. Grumpy said, "Shhh! Listen." Kids said, "There is no noise." "It's too quiet." "I can't hear anything." "What are we listening to?" An announcement blarred over the intercom. "Attention Shoppers, there is a sleigh on the roof!" Kids started turning around. Grumpy said, "He'll be here. Stay put!" Everyone turned around and faced Grumpy. Santa Claus appeared before the children's eyes. He stood in front of the chair. Grumpy whispered, "Wait." He held up his index finger while Santa sat down. Santa started calling children by their names! One by one, they sat on Santa's lap. The kids said what they wanted for Christmas. Shyness and the other Elves handed out presents. Grumpy gave presents too; these were items kids needed. Grumpy didn't tell them that! They would find out on the 25th. Santa said, "A new Elf is here with us this year!" All eyes were on Shyness. She blushed profusely. The Elves handed gifts as Grumpy warned, "Don't laugh, don't make fun of her, and don't do the above to the Never Sprites." The kids were quiet. They saw child-like creatures with orange furry ears and purple skin. The Sprites had antennas on their heads. Their cheeks were rosy. The Sprites had Pale Green fur on their bodies. They spoke in Never Sprite. Grumpy translated, "Merry Christmas Children." The Sprites handed out presents too.

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