

Katie Brooks(1)

On a bright new day, I looked out my window, watching the birds flutter their wings, chirping a melodious tune

I could get used to this

Ah! That's right;mom and dad, as I jumped down from my king sized bed, scurrying towards their room

"MOM!! DAD!!! WAKE UP!!!! IT'S MY BIRTHDAY!! " I shouted barging in, as I look at the bed where they were meant to be together but all I saw was my mom sluggishly trying to clear the sleep out of her eye

"Sweetie, it's 6:30am, the party doesn't start until 9:00am, you know how I like to make the best cake for my little girl, come here" she said as she opened her arms wide, which I gladly obliged running into her embrace.

"Dad's still not home again?" I said as I looked at the dipped part of the bed in which he had laid the previous night.

"You know, daddy's got a very big contract today, I know he'll come eventually, it's his most important person birthday today! And he promised he'll make it in time" She replied trying to cheer me up, earning a giggle from me

"What am I getting for this year birthday mom?" I awaited her response knowing the gifts she gives are always my favorite

"If I told you, would it still be a surprise?" She cocked a brow with a grin plastered on her face

"Nooo, but since it's from you, I don't mind it not being a surprise and besides I can still put on my surprised face like this" as I gestured how I was gonna put on the act "see! It's all in the reaction, so could you tell me, please!!! Please with little pink unicorns on top! " as I clasped my hands together giving a big puppy dog expression

"Wasn't it cherry on top?" She said laughing "You  know I like the good old reaction to seeing a surprise gift, your puppy dog eyes won't work today" she replied poking my nose

Bummer, thought it'll work, at least I know she has something waiting for my surprised expression, can't wait!!

"Can't wait then, I wanna try out my sparkly swan dress, I'll be like a Disney princess!!" I squealed as I ran out getting ready for the party

"BYE!"I shouted, running to my room not waiting for her reply


"Katie, the guests will soon arrive, please come out" my mom begged behind my closed door

"NOO!!! He never misses my birthday, I won't come out until he is present" I protested sticking on to the little hope

"Sweetie i'm sorry but he left a voice note, could you let me in, so you could listen to it?" She pleaded again in a whisper


"Thank You dear, let's sit" as she gestured to my bed "do you want me to say it or you want to hear it from him" she said, I could already guess what this was about

"I rather hear it from him" I said playing with my curly brunette hair 

"Ok, here!" As she passed the phone to me playing the message as I put it over my right ear, with the aim of imagining him speaking to me at that moment

"My baby girl!, I'm so sorry I couldn't make it to your birthday today, the contract is still in process and I couldn't leave or the deal will be closed, I did make provision for your birthday, you did say you wanted a tablet computer and I made sure you get everything you want, be good today, make sure to smile and show everyone why this day is special to you, love you and your mother, Bye! " the voice note ended as stray tears fell on my sparkly dress

"Bu-but he prom-ised, he said he'll com-" I tried saying as I broke down in tears with my mom engulfing me in an embrace "I'm sorry dear, I thought he could make it, please don't cry anymore, I'll make up for his absence, I promise, don't worry super mom can't disappoint you" that was all she needed to say to lighten the mood as I gave a slight chuckle

"Now can the princess of the day step out of her tower and into the grassy fields?" She said as she gestured towards the door

"Yes please!" As I cleaned my face and jumped out of bed running out to the living room


"Happy birthday Katie!!" Everyone chorused as I smiled like a Cheshire cat, "Thank You everyone and on the first thing on my list now that I'm 10years old is to keep you all as one big family, you'll be my uncle(as I pointed to a friend of my mom), you'll be my sister(as I pointed to my friend) and you'll be my-" it went on and on until I've assigned everyone a part in my family. Little did I know my new found family will crumble in a matter of months and a beginning of a new lifestyle one that changed my view of people, one which is a constant reminder of the things I wished I never lost


"Mom? Why are we packing our belongings? Did something happen? Why isn't Dad home yet?" I queried my mom watching her skillfully put the things in strategic places in the luggage

"Katie dear, we're moving, your dad got transferred and he doesn't want to be away from his family" she replied still arranging

Doesn't want to be away? Is this not already far enough? He can leave if he wants I don't want to leave my new family!

"I don't want to go!" I protested "he isn't home anyways, so what's the use?" I said folding my arms to my chest

I saw a sad look flash my mom face but she said nothing but instead resumed her action, making me feel guilty

"I'm sorry mom if I made it sound offensive, I just don't want to leave my new family now when I just created that and was starting to bond with them, it's just not fair!!" I said tears threatening to fall

"Katie, you know your dad's job is what keeps us going, and we should be appreciative he wants us to move with him, I hope you would understand someday, please help me stack this together" she replied with sadness etched into her words

"Oh, alright, where do I start?" As I squat down joining in the arrangement. The beginning or news of a relocation is never a funny one and I have experienced it first hand, six years after has been a life of constant relocation, one that I've gotten quite used to.


Life isn't always a bed of roses, as beautiful as it is;it also has thorns and my life never started with roses, the thorns was a constant reminder of good things to come.

I'm Katherine but I prefer being called Katie, a 16 year old girl who loves a simple life with my mom and dad, Patricia and Clark.

I love making "Real" friends, yes I said it right Real friends not some backstabbing vipers, but the issue is I never stay around to enjoy good companies, I have to change schools often because of my dad's freaking job whereby he is constantly reassigned to a different city in the states, my mom and I have no choice but to relocate with him, my mom being a full house wife so it's his job that keeps us going but I never get the chance to have close friends and never bothered to because I know it won't last.

Over the years I became an introvert, rarely speaking, almost making my presence invisible in other not to feel the pain of leaving.

Who knew it would change with a little mingling with the right friends

Yes! So that's the intro, how was it?
Should I update the story?
Like to know your review 😊

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