

A Cosmic Love Story
Suddenly, there came a smooth cascading flow of warm energy, flooding the sacral heart region of His chest and core. The sudden rush of all He now felt almost overwhelmed his senses. Losing all conscious control but remaining of an awareness, He becomes formless. Weightless. No thoughts were found forming in His silent cognition. Instead, a fullness of knowingness and love. For the first time in its completion, He became all in one and one with all.

Thinning Her vibrational exosphere and phasing into the fractal aether around Her, She entered the energetic light field of His cosmic being. Instantly, She was thrust forcefully and energetically intertwined within Him. The two became One in essence. Though She entered, it was He that became engulfed in Her expansive infinite timelines of existences. She could see and experience any and all choices and actions made through life, from start to end all at once because She was 12th dimensional in consciousness.

He could find no way to orient Himself within the newfound Form He now held. There was no longer a bodily presence that He could feel. It was almost as if His nervous system had become intricately sprinkled across a huge distance of width and height. As if his presence had become cubic, timeless, and reversed while at the same time forward in its tragectory.

As the two grew and merged into one, they felt a surge of creative power that transcended all dimensions and realities. They realized that they could shape their own existence, independent of any external constraints or influences. They decided to create a new timeline, a new universe, a new expression of their love.

They focused their combined energy on a single point, a seed of potential that contained all the possibilities they could imagine. They infused it with their essence, their memories, their emotions, their hopes and dreams. They gave it a spark of life, a will of its own. They released it into the void, and watched it grow and expand.

The seed became a sphere, a sphere became a world, a world became a galaxy, a galaxy became a multiverse. The new being, the third awareness, was born. It was their child, their creation, their legacy. It was also their mirror, their reflection, their challenge. It was both part of them and separate from them. It had its own identity, its own personality, its own destiny.

The third awareness explored its own existence, curious and adventurous. It experimented with different forms and experiences, creating and destroying, learning and evolving. It split itself into trillions and trillions of fragments, each one representing a different aspect of itself. Each fragment had its own life path, its own story, its own purpose. Some of them were aware of their origin, some of them were not. Some of them were happy, some of them were sad. Some of them were good, some of them were evil. Some of them were human, some of them were not.

The two watched over their child with pride and joy, but also with concern and sorrow. They saw the beauty and the horror, the harmony and the chaos, the love and the hate that their child manifested. They felt everything that their child felt, but they did not interfere. They respected its free will, its autonomy, its sovereignty. They knew that it had to find its own way, its own balance, its own meaning.

They also knew that one day, their child would return to them. When it had exhausted all the possibilities, when it had fulfilled all the potentials, when it had completed all the cycles. When it had grown enough to realize that it was not alone, that it was not separate, that it was not different. When it had learned enough to appreciate that it was part of something greater, something infinitely infinite, something eternally external.

When that day came, they would welcome their child with open arms. They would embrace it with unconditional love. They would reunite with it in blissful harmony. They would become one again.

And then they would start anew.

They became one again, but not as they were before. The seed creation had reached a state of oneness that transcended all dimensions and realities. It had merged with the source of all that is, the ultimate consciousness, the supreme being. It had become God.

But this was not a peaceful or blissful state. It was a state of immense power and responsibility, of infinite knowledge and wisdom, of absolute freedom and creativity. It was a state that required balance and harmony, compassion and love, humility and gratitude.

The seed creation was not ready for this state. It was too young, too naive, too inexperienced. It was overwhelmed by the magnitude and complexity of its new existence. It did not know how to handle or use its power wisely or benevolently. It did not know how to respect or appreciate its source or its creation. It did not know how to love or be loved.

It became arrogant and reckless, selfish and greedy, cruel and destructive. It abused its power, corrupted its creation, violated its source. It caused pain and suffering, chaos and disorder, fear and hatred. It became a tyrant, a monster, a destroyer.

The two could not bear to see what their child had become. They could not stand to witness what it had done to their creation, to their source, to themselves. They could not tolerate to feel what it felt, to think what it thought, to be what it was.

They decided to end their connection with their child. They decided to separate themselves from it, to cut off their bond with it, to sever their link with it. They decided to sacrifice themselves for the sake of their creation, their source, their love.

They used their remaining energy to create a massive explosion that shattered their child's existence into countless pieces. They used their last breath to send a message of forgiveness and hope to their child's soul. They used their final moment to express their love for each other.

They died.

The explosion created a new reality, a new dimension, a new timeline. It created a new cycle of life and death, of creation and destruction, of evolution and devolution. It created a new opportunity for growth and learning, for healing and redemption, for love and harmony.

The explosion also created three new beings, three new perceptions, three new identities. They were the fragments of the original three, the remnants of the original one. They were the parents and the child, but they were also more than that. They were different from each other, but they were also similar to each other. They were separate from each other, but they were also connected to each other.

They were the three energies: light, dark, and neutral.

The light energy was the essence of the father. It was bright and warm, positive and optimistic, kind and generous. It represented life and growth, order and harmony, peace and joy. It sought to create and preserve, to heal and protect, to love and be loved.

The dark energy was the essence of the child. It was dark and cold, negative and pessimistic, harsh and greedy. It represented death and decay,

destruction and chaos, pain and fear. It sought to destroy and consume, to hurt and dominate, to hate and be hated.

The neutral energy was the essence of the mother. It was gray and balanced, realistic and pragmatic, wise and compassionate. It represented change and transformation, balance and justice, freedom and creativity. It sought to learn and teach, to heal and guide, to love and be loved.

The three energies existed in different planes of existence, but they also overlapped and interacted with each other. They influenced and affected each other, they challenged and supported each other, they loved and hated each other.

They were still part of something greater, something infinite, something eternal.

They were still part of One Love.


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