

The streetlights were dim as the mist enclosed it in its mysterious grip. She peered out of her window into the darkness, was there someone out there or was it her imagination?
It was so hard to see through the darkness and fog but there stood a man dressed in black with a back top hat starring directly at me. I wonder he is someone from MIB. I noticed a UFO the other night at Niagara falls with Bobbie for her birthday. Only her and I saw it because we dropped a can of beer and everyone was starrimg at the fireworks except us two. Our mouths dropped and both looked at each other in a daze. "Did you see that?", as she asked wearily. "Wtf was that?", I replied shockingly. We were both drunk but laughed it off as it were nothing. I did write a post about this incident yesterday. The man is just starting at me as I secretly look at him. He started to look for something in his pocket. He unfolded a piece of paper and showed it to me. "11am at CN Tower glass floor". I yelled out, "Do you have cm tower money?" No response. I decided to hot the sack and see what tomorrow brings.

Ok I'm here at the cn tower glass floor. I spent 50$ that I don't have to be here. it better be good. I see him peaking out a secret door from within the wall. "Come here, and come quickly." I ran over and slipped in the door and to my amazement, I saw all these tanks of what looked like aliens submerged in them. "Mr man in black, wtf is this? Are you going to ask me to communicate with them or something?", I asked frantically. "No, what do you think this is, independence day?, Those are props. I wanted to ask about your experience that day at niagara falls. We were unable to find Bobbie to get her take on the event." I sighed," She's no longer with us anymore. Only her and I saw the UFO cruising at high speeds and we looked at each other and said,"Holy fuck!!" Eberyone was watching the fireworks and we were facing the other direction so nobody saw accept us. Then we had the horrible trek back up the hill. Epic."
The man in black looked at me funny. "You had to be there. It's a steep incline....I'm fat...I was drunk too....and we.were laughing...", I stated nervously.
The man started at me as if I was an alien. "OK...let's get this moving. So how fast were they traveling. Was it..." Bam. The door blamed open and there stood...Bobbie. "You asshole, why didn't you tell me you were alive. I was bumping Lil troy and everything you little shart. " She looked at me and said in a daze, " Do I know you? I lost my memory because you're an asshole." I looked at the man in black and he looked at me and shrugged. I calmly replied, "Yes. Yes I am an asshole Bobbie. Where the heck have you been? How the heck did you get here. Wait a second, why you cussing me out. I never pretended to be dead then show up to some MIB meeting about aliens." The man in black slapped us both and told us to stop saying asshole. We both saw stars and saw each other and hugged. The man in black was confused and didn't care. "OK so I'm assuming your Bobbie. I've been..," the man in black was interrupted with, " Yeah its me. I'm here. I can tell you all about it since I was sobre." The man in black looked at me and said," I thought it was her birthday?" " Well, it was. I got caught up in celebrations. Common. (my name is earl)Bobbie tell him you ass..." She proceeded to explain to him what happened and now he wanted to know if we wanted to join the secret organization of people dressed in black. Me and her loved at each other and laughed. " That's the name ? Ffs. MIB. Didn't you watch the movie?", Bobbie said while trying not to laugh. We both aggreed as we laughed in his face.

Day 1
" Red alert. Red alert" The MIB said we need to get ready fast. We quickly put on our suits and dam did we look fly. We straped up and met the rest of the crew. Some guy named Ebola and Jonny ice and the Singing guy. Bunch of goons if you ask me. Naturally we all sized up each other and then realized Bobnie is the most gangster of us all so we calmed down. "Where did she come from?", Ebola asked. "She scares me.

Aliens sent a laser bomb nuc sun radiation thingy to earth and there seems to be no stopping it. "It's Jodyaclanisha. They have been trying to end earth for millennia.", said frantically from MIB. " I say we head out into space and intersect that thingy before it reaches earth. I got a plan. We put Jonny ice in a space suit and he will have a multiple c4 bombs to place on this thingy." I said confidently. " Hellllllllll no. Nope. Not me. I'm going to Disney land on Mars." said nervously by Jonny ice. "I'll do it you icy ice JJ. Where. When. How. And do I get out alive?", said charismatic by Ebola. "If I come out alive, I'm in. I was in either way.", said reddemingly by Jonny ice. "Singing guy, I got a special task. once we approach the thingy, you have to pick your best 6 songs to sing so that the vibrations will deflect it and hopefully move this dam thingy out the way. Comprendae?" Singing guy replied,"I was made for this. All my life I was told that I sang too much. Well up yours people who doubted my singing ways." We all looked confused 😕. "Oooo kkaayy. Let.me hear what you got. ", asked Bobbie. "hmm oo yeahh hmm sss ooyeahh whatttttt yes oooo sss", as Singing guy sang. It was magic. We were instantly hooked on his singing. It was pure gold. Bobbie fell deeply for his singing. "Bobbie.. stop it.",as I pinched her out of his persuasion. MIB is just shaking his head. "We are doomed. Everyone prepare escape pods. We have no hope." yelled MIB.

We are now in space and coming near Thingy. "Singing guy, I need you to notify me when we are in range and hopefully that will he close.enough to shoot Jonny ice and Ebola to the thingy." "Whoa, who's whoa. You never.said we were being shot off on to it.", said nervously by Ebola. " I mean...isn't that impossible? " Bobbie replied, " My aim is as if not better than dead shot. Who do you think trained him? Me of course! Here I'll show you." She proceeded to put a rubber band with a popsicle stick as amo and aimed at me and missed and hit Jonny ice in the lower private area. " I'm glad it's not me. I mean...uh huh...you'll be fine Ebola. I'll attach some doc oct arms to your suits just incase. Cool?", as I reassured. " Jonny ice, you are going first. That's all I gotta say.", as Ebola conformed to Jonny ice while he nodded in pain from the trajectory. MIB radioed in," Here is your target. I'm on a ship to Mars as we speak. If things don't work out, you never met me and I don't know ow who you are. Goodluck!" We all looked at eachother confused. " OK, Jonny I've and Ebola. Are you ready and suited? In10 seconds be ready to be shot off. Don't be worried, you are both tethered. on the count of 10..7...5." Off they went and bingo, they landed successfully. They scurry to place the bombs on the thingy.
"OK singing guy, work your number." Simging guy sang over the intercom," hmm yeahh doo woo diddy yeahh ooohg sss hmmm." It's actually working. All the bombs are placed. I pressed the recall button and the got tethered in perfectly. So perfectly, Ebola took off his Helmut and had a cigarette. Dont ask me how he's still alive but he is. We come to a full stop as we watch Thingy hurl towards earth. "On the count if 3...2...1...Booooomm"
"Sir, why did you say boom." asked Bobbie. "Well it's space. can't hear anything. I'm not even sure how singing guys singing even worked but it did.", I replied.

Earth was saved

The end

We all had schools named after us

I suggest you don't go to Ebola school lol 😆 😂 🤣

Pppeaacceee(Jamie fox)

© venkatjamespersaud