

cara delevingne
Chris and cara delevingne staying in a hotel venice suites on a 417 ocean front walk. Both a room called top floor - one bedroom suite with beachfront ocean view.
Both removing both couches, and a table. Cara is on her hands and knees. After chris tied 2 both ropes on her back and her penis. Chris grabs of the rope with his both hands he makes a rude and mean remarks he replied hey carla ''You seem a lott less excited... Are you just tired?, cara give a bad attitude. are you able to focus because you're busy?. She is in a mood!'' I keep going stupid, gay,fake,dumb,frump,toad,frog,ass,asshole. Finally cara delevingne just snapped, her dark eyebrows lowered she's angry, she makes a loudly disturbing roars,growls,and hisses. she continues bucking, trying to throw and bucking, dislodges chris off her back. But chris stays on her back like a POSTAGE STAMP.