

The Blame Game

Ownership is a tough value add...A state of mind hard to attain, for some invaluable even, and others never heard of it..!!
It requires commendable 'Courage', strong sense of 'Self - Determination'...!!
Even the most honorable of the lot find it difficult to keep up with this value..!! I wouldn't wonder why, cause it's simple. The world has a way of twisting your successes, failures, your values, the very principle that makes you you and more seem like nothing but a sham...Its bored into the minds and memories of the people you so love, it affects even the most loyal friendships, Hell! it makes you doubt your own self..!!

"Destiny is made up of your own choices..!!"
Its a solid consolidation of your failures, glorious successes, the lost friendships, the unattainable love and all the things you have & everything that you ever desired for...Never a word of praise for the good things that you celebrate in your life but a cold heart blame for everything that's lost forgetting that it was all you..You made a choice for yourself..! A sad yet true Human Tendency..!!

Blaming others seems to be the easier way out..
For some it works miraculously even, I might add..!! You don't need a permission for that, no thought given, no consent needed whatsoever..
Just Blame, that simple..!

But little do we know, We don't do it to defend ourselves from others but we do it to defend our own actions against us..!!! It's the guilt of not making the correct choice, guilt of not trusting your own intutions, thousands of self - contemplations that's what we can't stand..!
That's what we find shameful..!! Makes you feel less of yourself, the bad turnout of your choice..!
So, we do the next best thing BLAME AWAY...!!!

© the little rebel