

I'm fine I think
When I was younger I never was good with boys. I would freak out and leave the mess and go to the girls bathroom. Once in school there was a boy who liked me. Let's call him Max. I didn't think much of it, I didn't know if was true and I don't him at all. It was break and then he and his friends come around us and say " I like you!" I just look at my friends beside me and they look confused as I was. REMEMBER I don't know this boy. Later it just became awkward. I moved classes and had to sit next to this annoying boy. Let's call him Tim. To this day the boy that sits next to me, his friends tell me he has a crush on me but I know and hope that it's false. There is a boy that in my class is friends with Max and Tim. There also was this one boy let's call him Nole. Nole was in one of my classes and I don't know why but he liked me aswell. My brain was getting cooked from the anger inside me. All of 1 of my classmate's friends liked me. To this day Max made my break times hell. 1 of my classmate's new friend sits next to me. Lets call him Nick. I don't think he's as annoying as people say because it remides me of my sibling. We laugh at some subjects when me and Nick sit together. At break times When I see Max I lose my hunger and it gets replaced with sickness and dizziness. I almost passed out in the bathroom once I saw him outside waiting for me. I felt like I was traped by Max and everyone. I wanted to commit suicide but thought of the consequences and when I heard my friend is coming back. I decided to stay even though life was hell for me. It's going to stop and I know that. I know that I'm fine I think.

If you are going through something tough I just want to let you know that I am here for you.

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