

Hidden wolven identity (part 1-Ambers P.O.V)
"You have to come, Great Alphas orders,"Jack sets over the phone."What's it for anyway?".It's not like I care or wanna go it's just ....I know Jack and I know his leaving something out something important.
"The princes crowning ceremony."
"Do I really have to go ...you know what I'm not going".
"Yes ,you are.And don't make me make you".Okay I've known Jack for as long as I can remember.His the one who found me and raised me as his own daughter.So ......man I hate the Alphas voice and he knows it."Okay I'm going,when is it anyway."I already know where it is.
"In two days."I nearly fall off the couch."WHAT!Are you insane ,what in Gia's name is wrong with you It's going to take me two and half days to get there.Jack I'm fast but not that fast".
"Than you better start running."
With that he hangs up Well I better start running if I want to make it there before......don't even think about it
'Well Iris I hope your up for a very long run'.
'Yes ,we both know I've been telling you to let me out.Now let's go'.
Well there's no arguing with my wolf to the palace .Mmmm I loved the feel of the wind iny hair.

Seeing as I've got a lot of time on my paws. I might as well tell you who I am.

My name's Amber Johnson.Johnson not bei g my real name but it works.And did I forget to mention I'm a werewolf.Yeah that's pretty much it.
Oh yeah and my best friend lives in my head and only talks when she feels like it.Her names Iris and she's the "wolf".

As we're running we catch a whiff of a very mouth watering scent.GRIZZLY.
Means my wolf are on the same pege,time to hunt .And as we get close the scent gets to be to strong for just one grizzly.Which is strange because bears don't share hunting territory unless it's ......
It can't be ?But as I stalk closer my suspicions are confirmed.Its bloody mating season and the son of a b***h tricked me.His going to to feel the wrath of a thousand avenging angels.
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