

Rescue rangers
An old man was screaming out for help at the top of a hill, you wanted to help him but you're too weak to get to the top. You realized that, if you were to help him, both of you might die. Share your creativity and write down your thoughts.

In saturday evening we friends P,Q, R,S, &T were talking together about what we will do in sunday, how to spend it and the convesation goes on During the conversation I suggested why we not go for adventure Everyone face towards me what? adventure! where? I said, Let's go for hill climbing near the town or somewhere else Then they think over it thoroughly and decided to go out for adventure trip to K6 hill near the town morrow morn After that everyone went to their homes In the excitement of trip we didn't sleep properlyTime is passed away in high speed and turn into Sunday morn
where some were woke up early and some were late Hurriedly, prepared themselves, took the delicious food, soft drink , snacks, and essential requirement with us Car was waiting outside for go We all jumped into it and ready for adventure ride We enjoyed the journey in car until the destination reached Finally, we reached the destination where we seen scenario of nature it was wonderful to us It seemed like we came to small island where K6 is it's blue cap We seen blossom of flowers, chirping of birds, flows of rivers , falling of stream, flying colourful butterflies etc. Cool soft breeze filled with fragrance of natural phenomena touched us smoothly I'm 'T', hurriedly wanna catch a colourful butterfly falls down on the ground P,Q ,R, and S came near and support me to stand But I had back ache, few wounds in legs and hands I felt weak to walk Friends encourage me nothing happen to you, you can do it, you can then we will Yet I tried to reach there When we were prepare to climb the K6 hill At that moment, we heard somebody was screaming for help Then we searched who is he We found out a senior man stuck on the top of hill and needs help I thought P,Q,R,S are alright for climb and rescue that man except me We decided to rescue that man first with appropriate way in which he gets less harm We did according to our plan I'm at the floor caught one side of rope and tied tightly with the trunk of tree beneath the hill and other side of rope with hook, Q caught and began to climb after three joined her After ups and downs they reached the top They rest there for half an hour then all came down one by one with the help of rope S softly held the hand of senior man during the return journey to the ground I thought, oops! I missed both, the rescue operation and hill climbing They came down safely We together thanks to God for safe landing After that we all woman sitted together on the carpet including the man S gave water to the man for drink Man blessed us and energetically said, 'Let's celebrate women power', guys! We laughed and enjoyed the delicious food and drinks together......

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