

Sold (continued7)
I sighed contentedly as I tried to roll over but an arm was holding me in place tightly. I opened my eyes slowly and as they focused I saw Alec staring back at me. "Where do you think your going?" I smiled lightly. "Umm...Do I really have to answer that question?" He laughed and let me go so I could slid out of the bed. I started to lift the blanket and realised I was completely naked. My eyes widened as I blushed. I looked at Alec and he raised an eyebrow at me with a smile on his face. "Where's the towel gone?!" His smile widened cheekily. "It was soaking wet so I took it off you while you were sleeping." He seemed completely calm by this while I on the other hand was trying to work out how to get to the bathroom with out him seeing everything. I sighed as I looked around for something to use to cover myself. "My love, I've already seen you naked...More than once...But if you insist on covering yourself, my robe is laying on the foot of the bed." He said pointing to it.

I held the blanket to me as I reached for it. Grabbing it I slid my arms one at time into it before letting the blanket go completely. I pulled it tightly closed around me and climbed out of the bed. I heard him laugh as I walked to the bathroom. I looked back at him when I reached the door and poked my tongue out at him. I walked into the bathroom and closed the door behind myself. I used the bathroom thankfully as my bladder finally stopped screaming at me. Stepping back out of the bathroom I watched Alec collect a tray from Miss Jo before closing the door. He smiled at me and placed the tray on the bed. He walked over to me and picked me easily, carrying me back to the bed. He sat me down next to the tray and lifted the lid of the plate. It smelt amazing, as always. Miss Jo had sent up a plate of home made Spaghetti Bolognese for me. My poor stomach growled in appreciation. Alec laughed at the sound. "You should eat more my love." I looked at him. "I'm not even used to eating as much as I have been! Miss Jo sends me plates that could feed a hungry town!" He laughed even harder at that and passed me the plate. "Well I'm sorry my love, you have to eat what she sends. Now I'm going to quickly go and get Keaton to cover escorting our guests out before I come back to get you so we can go out." I looked at him with a fork full of food half way to my mouth.

Lowering it back down I blinked questioningly at him. "Where are we going?" He smiled at me cheekily. "It's a surprise. So hurry and eat, then go and get dressed. I had miss Jo sneak your clothes in earlier, so you'll find them already in the robe." I raised my eyebrows in surprise. "OK." He winked at me as he turned and walked away to the door. As he left he glanced back at me quickly before pulling the door shut. I stuffed the fork in my mouth and moaned at the flavours that exploded. One thing I could definitely get used to was Miss Jo's cooking. It was pure bliss everytime. I wondered if she could make pizza... I loved pizza. I hadn't had pizza in so long and it was something I really wanted almost all the time. I was going to have to ask her one day soon.

I finished of my plate and placed it back on the tray. I wasn't sure if I should put it outside the door or not so I left it sitting neatly on the bed. I got up and walked over to the robe. Opening the door I was stunned. His robe was bigger than the one in my room and it was full. Full with clothes and shoes. I had never seen this much in place other than an actual clothing store. I spotted a dark purple dress hanging near the door and a pair of simple black heels sitting just under them. Oh god...Another dress. I was going to have to have words with Miss Jo about her clothing choice for me. I had managed to pull of two dresses and I was sure that was by pure chance. I sighed as I grabbed the dress and shoes carrying them back out to the room.

I sat on the bed trying to do the heels up while attempting to be modest in the dress as Alec walked back in. He looked at me quizzically and I rolled my eyes. "Need a handy love?" I sighed and threw my hands up quitting. "Yes please. I'm useless when it comes to anything other than sneakers or boots!" I said exasperated. He smiled at me as he walked over and knelt in front of me. He laughed lightly and easily did the for me. He stood and offered me his hand. Taking it I stood up from the bed. I carefully balanced myself before attempting to take a step forward. The heels where low enough that I managed to walk easier than I thought I would. Alec offered his arm which I took happily and led me from the room. We walked down the hallways until we reached the grand staircase. Alec quickly scooped me up in his arms cause a squeak to escape me which seemed to amuse him. I wrapped my arms around him as he carried me quickly down the stairs. When we reached the bottom Alec carefully placed me back on my feet and took my arm again leading me to the front door.

We stepped out into the cool night air and Steve was waiting with the car already. We walked over and he opened the back door for me to slide in. Alec followed me into the back seat as Steve climbed into the front and started the car. He put the car in drive and started off down the driveway. "So where are we going?" Alec held my hand and smiled. "Shopping...And that's all your going to know." I nodded at him feeling a little nervous. So far my shopping experiences here had involved nothing more than dresses and shoes. I hoped I wasn't getting more dresses. I really wanted more jeans and shirts. Something I was comfortable in. The car travelled down the road into town as Alec pulled me against him gently. I leaned in and closed my eyes enjoying the comfort of having him there. We reached town and the lights drew my attention so I sat up and looked out. We were heading past the dress store that Steve had taken me to and I sighed a little in relief. Alec laughed lightly next to me. "I wouldn't get to relieved yet. You may not like our first stop as much as the dress store..." I looked at him and widened my eyes
He just smirked at pointed out the window as Steve brought the car to a halt.

Lingerie... I groaned and blushed deeply, covering my face. Alec laughed hard as I heard Steve climb out of the car. "It's not as bad as you think. Miss Jo just mentioned that you needed some... Different undergarments that are more suited to some of the dresses you have been wearing." I lowered my hands and looked at the store again as Steve opened the door. She wasn't wrong, but if I had the right stuff to wear underneath that meant wearing them more often. Alec leaned in next to my ear as I went to climb out. "I also think you need more suitable clothing to wear in bed next to me other than being naked..." He trailed off before lightly kissing my neck. Heat spread up my face so quickly I almost didn't get out of the car but Steve held his hand out to me to help so I took it and stood from the car. Alec climbed out the other side and walked around as I took a step towards the store so Steve could close the door. "You can stay here with the car Steve." He almost seemed to sigh in relief and just nodded.

We entered the store and I glanced around quickly. Alec dropped my arms and kissed me gently on the cheek. "Have a quick look while I get someone to help us OK?" I nodded nervously at him. He walked away and I stepped towards the first rack of clothing. It was full of different night gowns. Some where very short and made from material that you could see through while there was other that were full length and made from silk. I liked the feel of the silk and wondered what it would feel like to be held by Alec in one. I blushed at my own thought before stepping onto the next rack. There were Bras with beautifully intricate patterns across them and I spotted a red and black one that I actually quiet liked. "That's a beautiful piece. It also has matching bottoms if you would like to see them?" A lady smiled at me. Alec stood next her. "Yes please." He answered before I could. She stared at him dreamily for a second before disappearing. He seemed to ignore the look and smile at me. "If you like them then their yours my love." He stepped forward and placed a kiss on my forehead. The lady cleared her throat as she stepped back up next to Alec smiling sweetly at him. With out looking at her he handed her the Bra. "She would like to try them on." The lady looked to me a little displeased. "This way please."

We went into a change room and she hung the garments up. "I'll go and grab a couple of different sizes so we can get the right fit for you." She left quickly as I tried to reach back and unzip my dress. "Here I'll help." His voice sounded amused as I felt turned quickly to look at him
"Alec! What are you doing in here?!" he smiled cheekily at me then lifted up a couple of lingerie sets. "I found something for you to sleep in, so I thought you might want to try them on." I gawked at what he held up. "I promise they aren't all see through..." He laughed. I grabbed them from him quickly and shoved him back out the door. I heard him walk away laughing and rolled my eyes. He seemed to enjoy teasing me in one way or another every turn. It wasn't fair. I looked at the stuff he had passed me and raised an eyebrow with a smile...Oh I was going to take the chance to make him suffer. I picked the smallest and most see through one of the lot and looked it over carefully. Smiling I slid the then material over my head and looked at myself. Perfect. I just hoped it wouldn't get me into too much trouble...

The lady came back in carrying the same set of bra and under pants as well as what looked like a dozen other sets in various colours and designs. She helped me try them on one at a time and when one set was to small or slightly to big she would disappear to return with another size. We went through about twelve sets before I said that I had plenty. She nodded politely and collected them all as I started to get dressed. She left the fitting room with the sets that fitted and I followed her out. Alec was sitting in a chair talking on the phone when he spotted us a hung up quickly. "All done?" I nodded. "I think I have enough to last me a lifetime to be honest." He smiled and pulled me into him. "What a shame, I was hoping to have to take you to get more..." He purred at me. I blushed and he learnt down to kiss me. The lady stepped up behind the counter and started processing everything. Alec paid for it all with even a blink. I however almost died when she told us the total. He grabbed the bags and we walked back out of the store. Steve was casually leaning against the car still and opened the door for me as we stepped up. "Thank you Steve." He smiled at me and I slid into the car and did up my seat belt as the other two walked around to climb in. Steve started the car and we headed to our next stop.

A couple of hours and four clothing stores later we finally started heading back to the mansion. I was feeling exhausted and it must have shown because Alec lifted me and placed me in his lap. I cuddled into him as he held me tightly. He gently rubbed circles on my back and I my eyes became heavy. I could feel myself start to drift off as Steve pulled into the drive. I sighed not wanting to have to move. The car stopped and I yawned. Alec kissed my temple as Steve opened the door and I turned in Alec's lap to get out. I stood stepping away from the car so Alec could get out behind me. Steve closed the door and walked away to grab all the bags. I felt sorry that he had to carry them all but then Alec stepped away to help. I watched them for a second before going to step over and help. "I've got it." Keaton smiled at me as he bounced past. I frowned at him for a moment. He seemed really happy about something which got me curious. They carried all the bags up and into the house as I followed. A couple of maids appeared and took the bags from them. "My room please ladies." Keaton raised an eyebrow at Alec then smiled cheekily at me which made me blush deeply. "Alec, I was wondering if I could have a word with you when you have a second?" He looked at Keaton and nodded. "Steve can you please take Evelyn upto...Our room." I looked at him shocked. Steve and Keaton looked almost as amazed as I did. Steve nodded quickly though and looked to me. I stepped forward and he turned leading me up the stairs to the room.

We reached the room and the door was open with the maids still putting things away in the robe. I had no idea where they were going to find the room though. Steve excused himself and left. I walked around the room trying to think of what to do while I waited for Alec. I walked over to the robe and looked in at the maids. "Can I help at all?" They looked at me quickly. "No Miss, it's fine. We've almost finished anyway." One of them answered. I smiled and turned away. I stepped away from the robe and jumped slightly. Liam was standing in the door. "Sorry, I didn't mean to surprise you. Alec has called us all into the office and he asked me to come and get you as well." That surprised me more than him just suddenly being there. "Is everything OK Liam?" He smiled. "Of course. We just have to make a few things formal with the elders, but Alec will explain more when we get there." I nodded feeling nervous. He led me out of the room and down the halls to the office. I expected him to knock but he didn't. He opened the door and let me pass him into the room first.

Alec sat perched on the edge of the desk talking to Keaton while I noticed Lucus sitting casually in a chair not far from them. Clarissa was sitting on the couch looking rather uncomfortable and nervous. I smiled at her and she smiled back. Liam closed the door and walked over to the couch to sit down but Keaton threw him a look that cause him to hesitate. He then turned and stood against the wall with his arms crossed. Liam looked more out of place compared to the last time I was in here. Keaton walked over and sat with Clarissa on the couch as Alec looked at me. He stepped over to me and wrapped his arms around me comfortingly. "I'm sorry Evelyn. Keaton and Clarissa are mates, so we need to formally introduce both of you to the elders in order to get permission for Clarissa to stay with us." I looked at him a little confused. "But I thought you all made the laws for your people?" I smiled gently at me. "No. The laws have been around longer than any of us. The elders are our keepers of the laws and we merely enforce them." I nodded. "OK, so did you have to get permission for me to stay with you here?" Lucus laughed from the corner and Alec glared at him. Lucus ignored him and rose from his chair. "No, pet. Your human so we didn't need to make any requests for you." I flinched at his words and Liam stepped away from the wall as he continued to move forward. Alec stepped between us and Lucus stopped moving.

I heard him snort sarcastically. "What, are you afraid I'll hurt her brother?" Alec stood up straighter. "I'm not afraid you will. I just know you'll try if given the chance." Lucus looked passed him to me then back at Alec. "Your right. Such a fragile thing shouldn't be hidden in a house full of monsters." The doors to the office opened ending whatever argument was about to start. Five old men stepped in the room followed by Miss Jo. I looked at her surprised and she smiled kindly at me. "Gentlemen, have we interrupted?" I looked to the man that spoke and he eyes me curiously. I shifted on my feet uncomfortably. Alec stepped forward and extended his hand. "Not all Vincent. Welcome and thank you for coming at such short notice." Vincent shook his hand then walked past him to me. "And this must be Miss Evelyn?" He took my hand and kissed the back of it politely. "Yes." Alec looked a little uncomfortable at Vincent's movements.

"Well then shall we get down to business?" Vincent said letting go of my hand and walking over to the desk where he sat himself down. Alec placed his arm around my waist and moved us closer to the desk. "Vincent I would like to formally introduce my mate, Evelyn." He nodded and Keaton stepped up next to us with Clarissa. "Vincent I would like to formally introduce my mate, Clarissa. I would also like to formally request her release from her current coven." Vincent raised his eyebrows at Keaton's request. "You are formally requesting me to release my daughter from her family home?" My mouth fell open in shock. Alec let me go and stepped forward. "She is Keaton's mate Vincent and laws state that..." Vincent cut him off. "Your preaching laws to me? As a keeper of them? I do however have the right to refuse this request as you fully know Alec..." His words held an underlying threat in them but Alec didn't back down. "Yes by law you do. I as the coven leader also have the right to request it to be put to a vote by the elders if you do so." Vincent tilted his head hearing the challenge behind the words. "Father...Please. Keaton is my mate and I want to be here with him." Vincent and Alec looked at Clarissa as she stepped forward. She looked frightened but determined. "I need to be with my mate father." He looked at her hard for a moment. "No." Clarissa looked like she was about to cry and Keaton gently pulled her to him for support.

"Vincent, I believe the decision needs to be put to a vote now. Gentlemen, how do you vote?" Miss Jo spoke up to the other elders. Three of them looked disapproving at Vincent in his decision while the other two didn't seem fazed by it. "Permission granted."
"Permission granted."
"Permission granted."
"Permission granted."
"Permission denied."
Alec and Keaton looked at Vincent. "You are out voted Vincent." Alec stated. "So it seems. Very well. Clarissa I release you from our coven and hereby banish any claim you may have to it." Clarissa burst out in tears as I stared confused. Lucus stood from his chair moving quickly as he growled. Alec moved towards Vincent and the other elders moved with him trying to prevent anything from happening. I didn't understand what had just happened but I moved to Clarissa who was alone to quickly hold her. Everyone started arguing as I wrapped my arms around Clarissa and she fell to her knees on the floor sobbing. I saw Alec grab Vincent by the neck and lift him clean from the chair. Lucus had approached from behind grabbing Vincent's hair and pulling his head back hard. Vincent had one last look of terror on his face as Keaton stepped up next to them all and sunk his teeth deep into Vincent's neck. The elders yelled at the brothers and Clarissa looked up in horror at her farther almost being pulled apart. She stood up with my help and tried to take a couple of steps towards them but her legs gave way under her. She needed Keaton. "Alec!!" He looked at me with dark eyes and I tilted my head looking at him pleadingly. He touched Keaton's shoulder and he turned snarling at Alec. Alec turned Keaton's head so that he could see Clarissa and he stopped. His whole face dropped and he moved away from Vincent. Keaton was covered in blood as he swooped down and picked Clarissa up from the ground walking straight out of the office.

To be continued...