

Write a short story about how much easier it is to fix mistakes on a word processor or computer than it is in real life.

A simple click of a button. That's all it takes to fix a mistake on a computer. A small click with a mouse and its gone as if it were never there. No evidence of your mistake remains. But real life isn't like that ; not all mistakes are as easily fixed.

Life would be far too easy if I could undo all my mistakes, I mean imagine: every mistake I made, the shouting, the arguing, the constant messing up... All gone with a flick of my fingers or a clap of my hands.

Every mistake I've made would be fixed in an instant with no hesitation. I could fix everything, all the problems, if only it was that simple. One small wave of my han, one spoken word and gone! My mistakes cease to exist!

But then, would I cease to exist too? Wouldn't I be completely different? A different person entirely? Mistakes are what make a person. Without mistakes you can't learn. Would it be wise to get rid of the all? Would it rid the world of evil or cause it to become worse? Who knows?

I am who I am through mistakes I have made, things I have learnt. Taking those away is like taking part of me. I would not be the same, for better or worse I am who I am.

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