

March 14, 1979
On March 14, 1979, I went to Princeton University for the 100th anniversary of Albert Einstein's birth there were a bunch of famous scientists there! I was so happy but I was afraid to talk to anyone! Then a man came over to me and said that this woman felt she needed to speak to me! So we were introduced he said that this is Maggot Alberts, stepdaughter! Albert lived her more than his blood children! She was next to his side for all of his experiments! so I said sure I would talk with her! I was scared to death! She told me that her father would cry himself to sleep every night after the bomb was invented! she talked about her father's dream for world peace! She made me promise that I would be an advocate for peace and unity among all people! we said goodbye after 45 minutes and I still treasure her till this day and her father also!!!
© William Stephen Foos