

Look what you made me do
Jeff just returned back from the studio. He did not see Sandra at home he was worried so he called her on the cell phone .
"hey babe, I just came back from the studio and I can't find you so I will like to know where you are" he said
"ehn.....hmm..... I'm with my friends but I will soon leave." she said stammering
"ok no problem. I've also been calling Joe but his number is number is not going through "
"really?! maybe he is busy or something "
"ok no problem. see you later " he hanged up the call.
Sandra went to me Joe and told him what Jeff said
*that's true. we are having a party tonight and I'm to arrange for everything.
" you better get dressed and start going because he is waiting for you.
" I don't want to go yet let's have some time together, you know what I mean." he said moving closer to her.
"Not now we have to start going "
"Fine" .
They both got dressed and went home separately. The party had already started when they got home, Jeff was surprised to see Joe and Sandra arriving at the same time. He went to meet Sandra and kissed her on the cheek then went to meet Joe who was taking a drink by the bar.
"wassup" Jeff started the conversation
"I'm good"
"Have been trying to get through to you but your line was not reachable"
"Yh, I was busy at the studio that's why" joe said facing the other side.
"How come you and Sandra came at the same time"
"Hmm.....I will be right back" joe said leaving and avoiding the question
They all where having fun until Sandra's eyes caught Joe dancing with another lady. She was upset and she left leaving Jeff in the party. Joe noticed that she was upset, he left the party and followed her.
"Sandra, wait" he said running after her " Can you just wait I'm calling you"
She paused and faced him.
"What? why are you calling me? Go and meet the girl who you are dancing with" she said folding her hands together and not looking at him.
"I'm sorry. I saw the girl and I just decided to have a dance with her is nothing much." Joe trued explaing to her
"Did she come and meet you and say "Hey Joe I don't know if you can offer me a dance because I'm so lonely" she mimicked
"No, but I just felt like doing so"
"Ok, no problem. Good night"
"Don't go let's spend some time together"
"No" she said in a commanding tone
Joe attempted to hug her but she pushed him back
"Do you want to use the body that the girl has touched to hold me" she said disgustingly
"That's enough, if you say any word again you won't like what I will do to you" he said with a tone of anger
They continued to argue until suddenly Sandra hit Joe on the face. It was a shock because she did not know she could do such a thing. She tried begging him but he walked out of her angrily. He went to meet Jeff and told him he was going back home but Jeff insisted he spend the night at his place since it was already late. Sandra went to the room to freshen up and sleep. She still could not believe what she did. She tried calling him but he wouldn't pick her call, she also texted him but he did not reply. She hoped that they will be able to settle and be happy again.
So the next day, Sandra woke up and went to meet Joe but he was already on his way back home. She rushed downstairs to meet him and held him tight from behind and begging him.
"Please don't go. I know you're upset with me with what I did yesterday. I also did not believe I could do that. I don't know what came over me last night. I'm really sorry my love." Sandra said in tears.
"I'm not going to listen to anything you say right now because I'm not in the mood. Leave me alone and let me go when I'm alright I will get back to you but for now don't even disturb me. I don't want to see your call or message today."he said pushing her away and going.
Joe left and Sandra sat down on the couch wept. She was really hurt because she knew it was all her fault. Jeff saw her from upstairs and went to meet her. She wiped out her tears so as to avoid questions and stood up. As she was about to leave, Jeff stopped her and looked at her
"Why are you crying?"he asked wiping her tears.
"Crying? No I'm not. Something entered my eyes and it really hurts that's why"
"Ok. Where is Joe?" he asked when he did not see any sign of him.
"Hmm he just left. He said he as something important to do"
"Ok, no problem"
"Yh. Let me go and prepare breakfast I know you're hungry.
"No. Let the chef handle it. I've told you not to stress yourself with doing anything in the house. That's is why I employ maids who will help with the house chores and the rest."
"But you know I love cooking and most especially for you." she said holding his hands.
"Ok, I know you're stubborn and won't listen." he said hugging her
"Awwwn. Let me go and prepare breakfast " she said and left Jeff in the sitting room.
The chef and the maids excused her from the kitchen because they know she does not like anybody assisting her when she wants to cook for Jeff. She kept on thinking about the issue she as with Joe then suddenly she had the door opening it was Jeff friends. He asked Joe why he left without telling and it was the same reply Sandra gave earlier on. The guys sat down and engaged in conversation. Joe went to meet Sandra at the kitchen, she thinking I it was Jeff
"Baby, are your friends around?" she asked. When no one replied she turned around and she saw it was Joe , she went back to what she was doing and did not say anything to him. Joe went to stand beside her, as she was about to move, he stopped her but she did not look at him or talk to him.
"What's with the attitude?" he asked not letting go of her.
"Nothing. I'm just following the instruction that you gave me"
"Ok. I apologize for the way I reacted but you too also know that what you did was not right. It really hurt me."
"I'm sorry. It will not happen again." she said and kissed him on the cheek.
"Have forgiven you " he said and they both laughed.
The food was ready and they both set the table and served breakfast. Sandra left them and went to freshen up. She received a text from Joe telling her that they should me. He sent the address and time. She freshened up, got dressed and left the house.
Joe was at the hotel waiting for her. She went to the room where he was.
"Would you like to order anything?" he asked
"No, I'm fine. I won't be staying for long I need to go to the salon today. It's been a while since I went there." she replied
"Ok, I just want to spend some time with you and also to make up for what happened"
"No problem" she smiled
They talked for long and rested . Few hours later, they left the hotel and went to their different places of work.
A week later; The guys had their party as usual. Joe did not want to mess up this time around so he had a plan on how to spend the night with Sandra this time around and he did not want to fail. He added something into Jeff's drink and gave it to him. When Jeff could not get himself again, Joe knew this was is opportunity. He took Sandra with him to the bed room. Few hours later, when the party was over he went to his room to sleep.
Next day; Jeff woke up with a terrible headache. He sat down properly on the bed, opened the drawer beside the bed and took a pain killer. When he noticed Sandra was not on the bed he called out her name but no response, he left the room and went to look for her. He searched everywhere except from Joe's room. He got to the front of the door and knocked, then Joe responded
"Who is there?" he asked waking up from sleep.
"It's me.", Jeff answered
Has Joe had his voice, he woke Sandra up.
"Hmmm........ what is it?" she trying to fall back asleep.
"Jeff is here" he whispered
Has Sandra had that she jumped up from the bed.
"What are we going to do now?" she asked trying to figure out what to do.
"Go and hide in the bathroom?" he said
"Ok" she ran. As she left, Joe went to open the door for Jeff to come in.
"Hey, wassup, good morning" Joe said
"Good morning, how are you doing?"
"I'm fine"
"I don't know if you've seen Sandra this morning. I woke up and did not find her in the room."
"No, have not seen her and besides I just woke up so I don't know where she is. Have you checked the garden maybe she will be there."
"Yh, I did not think of that. Thank you."
"Anytime bro"
Jeff went outside to the garden to look for Sandra. While looking for her, Joe told her to go and meet him in the garden that he is there. She kissed him and went to the garden.

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