

my dreams become nightmares & my nightmares became real
The streetlights were dim as the mist enclosed it in its mysterious grip. She peered out of her window into the darkness, was there someone out there or was it her imagination? there it was for the second time around and this time I heard it loud and clear, As I turned to run my whole body was frozen in that moment of time, I could feel my heart beat louder and faster until it was pulsating throughout my entire body, that's when I first felt it my first time and the beginning of a Lifetime . The second it grabbed me I felt it slowly at first but then increasing in speed and in strength as it begins at my feet then crawled up my stiffend shell the further up my body it got the stronger it was becoming, it was as feeding on my weaknesses the more fearful I was becoming the stronger it becomes, I heard my name mum mum MUM As I sat blog up my eyes wide open scanning the room my entire weak limbs shaking and the sweat that ran down my skin soaked my nightwear . I turned my head around and jumped as the fear once again took hold, until I realised it was amy my daughter stood at the side of my bed
Mum you were having a nightmares, are you ok
Yes love I will be fine then I sent her back to bed. that was the night that changed my life, the beginning to no end. when my entire family life was blown up with such a powerful force we were all scattered miles from each other, into the darkest deepest place one could not even begin to comprehend and this is the place where I became locked in a prisoner to the darkness of my fears were the suffocating fog suckes my sole my happy memories becomes a past life until it was more a vived memory of another life. i until am a empty broken begin. I found myself wondering around carying my skin as though it didn't belong it weighed my weary weak bones as I dragged it around with me like a forren body and wondering were is this place I have found myself in I don't recognize it I don't belong to it , but I was searching for something I was searching for my sole I was in hell.