

exams 3rd part
(after a nap)
rosy ;;now I am feeling better
(time 8;00 0 clock ⏰)
mom!;; rosy let's have a breakfast🍳☕🍞
rosy ;;coming mom
(after breakfast🍳☕🍞)
rosy start studying again
there are only two days left from exams
rosy ;;I think I should visit jisu
(rosy went to the home of jisu)
rosy ;;*knock knock *
*door open*
jisu ;;oh hey (*´∇`)ノ
rosy ;;hello may I come in
jisu ;;yeah you can
jisu ;:so.. who brings you to me
rosy ;;nothing special I just wanted to know how is your preparation going
jisu ;;I have not started yet
rosy :oh I see
jisu mom ;oh hello
rosy ;;hey aunty how are you
jisu mom ;;fine but jisu is not fine
jisu ;;Mom pleaseeeee...
rosy ::aunty you can tell me
jisu mom ;jisu is studying from 1 week I had told her to take some rest but she didn't agreed
rosy 😑;;oh so jisu you have lied to me
jisu ;;it is not like that
rosy ;;shut up jisu
jisu;;mind your language take your nose out of my business
rosy ;;oh so it is your business now it's ok
jisu ;;yeah it is
rosy ;;I think I should go
jisu ;; yeah please
rosy leave the place
jisu mom! ;;is everything ok??
jisu ;;no it is not you have ruined everything

rosy home)

rosy mom!;;is everything ok you are looking aggressive
rosy!;;;yeah everything is ok I am ok you are ok so what
rosy mom ;;what
rosy ::am sorry but please leave me alone 😔
rosy mom ;;awww sweetie you can tell me
rosy ;;nope please leave me alone....

episode end------____