

The Green-Eyed Monster
Write a short story with the word "Jealousy" as the main theme.

Lena had always been the center of attention. Her captivating smile and razor-sharp wit made her the darling of their social circle. But when Emily joined the group, Lena's world began to unravel.

At first, it was just a nagging feeling. Lena would catch herself wondering why Emily was always the one to suggest the plans, why she was always the one to make everyone laugh. But as time went on, the feeling grew, festering like an open wound.

Lena started to notice the way their friends looked at Emily, the way they hung on her every word. She saw how Emily's confidence seemed to grow with each passing day, while her own began to wither away.

One night, at a party, Lena watched as Emily effortlessly commanded the room. She felt a surge of anger and resentment, her mind racing with thoughts of how unfair it was. Why did Emily get to be the star?

As the night wore on, Lena found herself pulling away from the group, unable to bear the sight of Emily's radiant smile. She couldn't shake the feeling that she was losing her place, that Emily was somehow stealing her spotlight.

But as she looked deeper, Lena realized that her jealousy wasn't about Emily at all. It was about her own fears and insecurities. She was afraid of being replaced, of being forgotten.

In that moment, Lena made a choice. She could let her jealousy consume her, or she could face it head-on. She took a deep breath and joined the group, laughing and joking alongside Emily.

From that day on, Lena worked to quiet the green-eyed monster within her. She learned to celebrate Emily's successes, to see them as a reflection of her own worth. And as she did, she found that her own confidence grew, her own light shining brighter than ever before.

© Promise Okon