


Sadly, karma didn't even wait for me to recover from the previous spooky encounter. Just one day after the first encounter, the terrifying creature decided to announce its return. This time, more horrific than the first.

There I was, peacefully lying still on my bed, trying to ease the tension in the air. Mum chose to stay home today to relax, as she was a bit under the weather. She slept in the sitting room while I stayed indoors, busy on my phone.

I started hearing silent noises behind the bathroom door, but I wasn't sure. I believed my ears were playing tricks on me, so I didn't bother to check. I thought it was Mum trying to access the bathroom door. But still, something felt wrong if she were the one, as I would have heard footsteps, which I didn't.

Could it be what I was thinking? "God forbid!" I shrugged off the negative thoughts and decided to stick with doubt. I couldn't help the suspense, as I heard the bottle of hydrogen peroxide fall from the edge of the window. Now I knew something was up, so I stood up to check. My heart nearly burst out of my body as I was faced with the cold-blooded bastard, as I called it. My mind flashed to the famous Jackie Chan movie "Karate Kid" and how a man manipulated a snake by mind-reading it. But no! Never! This is no movie, neither is it some cooked-up story.

Face to face with fear, I trembled. Forget about watching from a safe spot. Even safety was nowhere to be found as the cold-blooded reptile had made its way INTO THE HOUSE already. I didn't think twice this time; I gave respect to my legs as staggering fear sent me running to the sitting room.

Mummy was peacefully catching a nap on a mat. Who am I not to raise the alarm? "Mummy, èjò ti wọlé again," Yoruba found its way, blending with English,as i nearly joined it with french. Mum's face lit up,she quickly got off the mat and we both went outside to get help. She asked where it was and the only thing my head could process was "Toilet! Toilet! Mummy Toilet!"

But wait, hold a minute! I felt a force pulling me back. "What if... what if the snake escaped and entered the house, the bathroom, my parents' rooms, my room?" I couldn't risk it, so to avoid the risk, I had to take another risk. I could beat my chest and say that I stormed in and locked all the doors, including the toilet's, in a split second. Unfortunately, the snake wasn't there when I locked the doors.

Though scared, I was curious to know what tricks it had up its sleeves. It was time to do what I should have done from the start: confront my nightmare. But not without a trusted army. Again, I summoned another boy from the quarters and the young man who dry-cleaned next to our house. Till now, I still wonder how clever it was to convince grown men into helping me kill - or rather, chase the snake away from the house.

I found myself approaching the intimidating scene, directing my army to the toilet. We searched and searched; I even jumped around the rooms trying to attract the snake's attention. But still, we found nothing. Thinking it had already crept into the house,we started an intensive search,Mum called Dad and told him to come home. I remember the day a lizard managed to find it's way into the passage, Dad made me lock myself in with it until I killed it. I couldn't even walk normally, I tip toed as i searched my own room, raising the heavy beds up and jumping away almost immediately.
The tought of it still hiding in the toilet lingered in my head, after all the emotional rollercoaster this creature had subjected me to it still had the guts to hide like the Coward it was. After minutes of unsuccessful searching,mum promted me to check the toilet again. She stood behind me as i jabbed the door open. I caught a glimpse of it at first sight. It already lined it's long body inside the empty spaces in the window.

@oluwatobiloba Akinnate