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Once upon a time, there lived a lion and a fox,they were very good friends.
one day, the fox told the lion to come to his house and have dinner with him.
The next night,when they finished their dinner,the lion thanked the fox and went home.As he was leaving,he told the fox that he should come to his house tomorrow to have dinner with him and his son.
The next day, the fox came to the lion's house and saw him lying on the ground. when the fox went near
the lion and found out that the lion was already dead. He laughed because he was the one that poisoned the food
for him to become the king.When the lioness being the lion's wife came back home,she heared the bad news about the death of her husband's death and mourned his death. One day,one of the villagers called the squirrel wanted to disgrace the fox because he saw him mixing the poison in the drink he gave the king.The squirrel called all the animal villagers to tell them the truth but it was had for the counsel to believe that he was telling the truth,so he asked the dog being the adopted son of the fox who was the only evidence that will prove that the squirrel was telling the truth.
The next day,the squirrel went to the fox house and brought the dog with him, it was not easy for the squirrel because he went through the house using the back door. The dog told all the villagers the truth and went home. When he went home,the fox found out that he told the whole truth to the counsel and killed him.
On the other side, the lioness has gave birth to triplets that will take over their father. The triplets was very brave to overcome the fox. one day,the fox came to the counsel's homes and killed them one by one. He came to the king's palace and kidnapped the triplets,he also killed all the king's relatives including the Queen and except the triplets. After that he poisoned the villagers mind that the squirrel and the whole Royal family was the one that killed the king.The villagers believed him and crowned him the new king. Sixteen years later,the triplets grew up and went out of the lion's den that the fox put them in.They gathered some villagers that believed that the fox was telling lies,they told them that they go for war against the other villagers. They fought the fox and the other villagers realised that the fox was not telling the truth. They banished the fox from the village and took care of the village with great care like their parents.
At last, the village lived happily ever after with the memory of their former king.


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