

A True Meaning of Friendship !
A girl with full of tears ran towards the garden and sat near the corner weeping, she might be around 10yrs old it was around evening 5:30pm. I had seen that girl while I was entering into the park, the park which was close to my residence. While I was passing through that corner, I saw the same girl who was crying continuously.

I thought of consoling by asking the reason for her sadness but she was not in the condition to answer. I then moved from that place and reached home. But I couldn't forget that girl so, I decided to go back to the park to check whether she is still there in that place. I found her in the same place and now she was bit relaxed and was watching the children playing their favourite rides.

I approached her asking ,why is she not playing with other kids? She was quite clear in her speaking and said she has no one to understand as she is alone without any friends.

I didn't question about her past but told her that I will be her friend from today. She was so delighted to know that she got a friend and now she can play like others and she can do share her feelings too. I could see her face sparkling with joy!!!! She addressed herself as Renu and told that she is very happy about her new friend that is me Ritika.

We became friends from that day and I used to encourage her in all her work and I became her great support not financially but for sure mentally. I was her hope and she was doing her best in her life. Now it's been 20 years of friendship but still we are the same. I am just 5 yrs elder to her. She has many friends now but I am her special friend forever. Renu is an independent woman at present and she do help me in many ways.

I cannot forget that incident which took place 20yrs ago. That day is unforgettable because on that day I met Renu my lifetime friend who is a precious gift to me. I have never asked about that incident where she appeared in a helpless situation. But when she said that she doesn't have any friend, I gave my hand telling I will be her friend.

A friend is someone who will be there with you in your troubles not the one who dig the matter deep and check your wound which hurts the person deep and by this they might become inferior. 'If we cannot encourage then at least we must not discourage'.

We must be like Ritika of this story, she sets the best example of real friendship.

— Ray