

One sided love
He loves me,

Still remember how you will always hold my hand in the dark,
Telling me to close my eyes and I will be strong,
Still remember when you wipe my tears after falling with my cloth full of dirt,
You try to clean it up but it sometimes make things better or wrong.
Now with smile on my lips, I thought
was it love or innocence.
Do you love me then or you just feel the need to pity a girl like me.

The kisses you laid on my forehead I could still feel them faintly,
How you blow air on my wounds softly,
And the way you steal lollipops from your mom's shop it's funny,
With how I always return then because it's ungodly,
Now with a fake smile plastered on my lips
I couldn't help but think if it was love or innocence.
I guess you can never love a girl like me am more like a burden you've been relieved of finally.

I had to wake my self up from all this memories,
Erase all the good stuff I wrote about you in my diaries,
It is time to grow up and move on because there's no more you from my childhood,
But how can I get over you when we stay at the same Neighborhood.
With a fake frown while digging my nails in my palms,
We walked pass each other like total strangers after cloaking my pain.
I hope you are glad I relieved you of that burden you had.

He loves me not.
#heartbreak #childhood