

Happy ol' trooper
While sipping his morning coffee reading a newspaper that was previously flown in by the paper boy, Old Jack Brawnson, as he was called by everyone, had a feeling the day would turn out lovely.
Supporting his thoughts was the friendly neighborhood cat, Peter, who took delight in creeping to the windows of other apartments like he was trying to keep up with their daily lives.
"Meoow," echoed the cat. Confirming the halseny Old jack had in his head
"Good morning fellow!" said old Jack grinning. "I'm glad you know the day would be good."
"Here's a cookie for you,"
"Miaaaow," cried the cat and with a leap, the cat was gone, taking the cookie along with him.
He had quitely come of age but was as agile as a monkey. Once a military veteran and ever ready to serve, old jack never for a day, let his guard down, most definitely not the excuse of old age limiting him.
Even in his late seventies, he still went grocery shopping, running the maintenance on his car by himself... He wasn't prepared to slouch around which he felt, made his bones feeble.
After emptying his mug of coffee, he set out for the kitchen, where he washed the mug, placed it in its rack and headed for the bathroom.
In the showers you could hear him humming, a reveille, which he had grown accustomed to while he was yet in the army.
"The good ol' days," he'd often say.
He was one of the lucky soldiers to have scaled a mine field, which had for every step taken, dialed deaths number. For that day as he could recall, death was the new 911. It needed more than courage to be in the position he was in at the time and also, in good luck with Athena to advance through the fields. Though they were aware of the booby traps placed around, they relied on their wits to make it through, treading with caution. It was one of his arcane experiences, that gave uncertainty the upper hand having lost four troop members... but, here he was, four decades later, alive and kicking!
With these reminiscent thoughts, he increased the tempo of his humming.
As stylish as a twenty four year old, he put on his collared navy blue corduroy with a pair of light blue denim pants to compliment it. He had never felt this alive!

© Cogua